chapter 3

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hey guys, I hope you enjoy my story. I'm going to make most of the beginning just Marcel's POV, so I hope you like it, and if you do please vote and comment.

I stand in the door way. My cheeks are hot, and I'm sure there beaming red. We gaze at each other through the door frame and I let out what seems to be a cough and a squeak.

"aren't you going to invite me in?" she looks almost annoyed and she's staring at me as if I had just gotten beaten up. Oh wait, I have. I gesture my hands too the living room not being able to say anything. She silently walks in not taking her eyes off of the ground. She looks so beautiful right now. Her long black wavy hair is braided to the side, and she tugs her sweatshirt down while she walks. It never amazes me how amazing she manages to look everyday.

"are you even listening?" I must of been lost in my thoughts and didn't hear her, my cheeks flash a deep red as I ask her to repeat her self, giving her an apologetic smile. She rolls her eyes at me and let's out a groan before she starts.

"I said that we should probably plan what we're going to do after you go put on a shirt." I look down at my body seeing my bare skin. I am embarrassed yet again and I look up at her and nod in agreement.

After I get back from upstairs I stroll in the living room finding Ashley on the couch staring at the wall. I go and sit down trying to keep my distance and join her by doing the most interesting thing right now and gaze at the wall, sneaking a few looks at her once in a while. A couple of minutes have gone by and I shift my body on the couch and my mouth lets out that weird cough/shriek. But it was enough to get Ashley to break the silence.

"okay so I was thinking that maybe that we should split the project in half and you get one part and I get the other and we can meet up again before the projects due and put everything together?" I can't help the frown on my face and I just nod in agreement while she keeps talking. "so since or person is John Wilkes Booth, I was guessing you could do his childhood and I will do His adulthood and such."

"sure" was the only world I could find too say. The disappointment was not well hidden through my tone and you could surely notice it, along with the dreadful sound of my voice crack. She shifts uncomfortably in her seat and the room is back to being filled with awkward silences.

"Ashley?" my voice is really letting me down today, cracking for the second time now.

"what?" she stares at the object behind me, obviously trying to avoid my face. I stare into her deep brown eyes wishing that those eyes could stare at me walking past her, not with shame and disgust, But love, and compassion. I frown at the thought of what will never happen and I jump at her words.

"can you please talk so I can leave?' she snaps at me. The words sounding harsher then intended.

"uhm, I just wanted to say sorry about the door earlier." I lie. I didn't have the guts to really ask her what was on my mind. She stares at me in annoyance and my heart drops before she can even say anything. I wait for her to reply, uncontrollably picking at my fingers and messing with my hair, After what seems like hours, she gets up and leaves. I wish that she said something rather than this. But I knew she wouldn't

Hey guys! I know you're going to hate me for this because this is such a short chapter and I'm sorry. I really wanted to update for you before the end of the day today since I haven't updated in like 2 days! I promise I'll update twice tomorrow!  (even though I re-read my chapters like 4 times before I publish it, I still find a whole bunch of errors as soon as it's published, ugh. so I apologize for my bad grammar and such.)

Please vote and comment if you like the story and tell you're friends!

love you!


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