And we will cry till this fire is drowned
And we will write all our memories down
And we will drive till these tires wear out
But darling I, I will take you home

It was the end of the summer holiday's and Emmett knew that I didn't want to go back. Back to the stress. Back to the constant whining. Back to hell.

Don't get me wrong, school is the great and everything but I really don't have the tolerance most of the time for big headed people thinking they are the smartest thing to happen, or the competition to have the best grades. It just isn't constant sunshine and rainbows, but it wasn't all doom and gloom either. It is like constant purgatory waiting for something better to come along.

We sat in my room all night talking about random stuff, from our favourite animals to sharing our deepest secrets. The night was everything I needed to forget about my acceding doom. It's what I needed yesterday evening.

31 Days After
"Azura!" I hear my mum yell from the kitchen, breaking the silence cloaking my room. The day had barely started and I already wanted to go back to bed.  Yes I know it's stupid that I am still in this depressive state, it's been a month, I should get over it already. But that's the thing, Emmett isn't a thing you can just get over he was, is, the love of my life, and there is no going back on that.
"I'll be right down," I say through a forced smile, already wishing the day away.

73 days before
"Where are you right now?" He questions with the biggest grin on his face, you could always tell by the way he was speaking.
Sitting up in my bed "well I was planning on having a lazy day with Biddy, watching Gossip Girl, you know the normal stuff to do with a lazy cat. Why would you ask?"
"Well I kinda thought we could spend the weekend doing nothing like usual, or we could always just drive around the city for it bit?" I could just picture the smirk on his face right now.
"What?! No way, there is no way you managed to pass your test!" I was pretty damn shocked he had only had 3 lessons, but that's Emmett for you somehow he manages to pass everything without even trying.
"You bet I did," yes there it was that cocky self assured voice he uses whenever he feels like showing off "so what do you say?"
"Sure, just let me get dressed first." I say kicking the covers off my lap with the biggest smile on my face.

31 days after
"Azura, well aren't you looking majestic this fine morning" Mia says bouncing up to me.
"Well isn't someone in a good mood this morning" I say looping my arm in hers.
"Of course I am it's Friday! And you know what happens on Fridays?" She says even more lively than normal.
After a moment of silence, and the biggest eye roll in history, "Parties! That's what happens, God Az when did you become so boring! Sure a weekend watching Netflix with Biddy is alright every once and a while, but it's starting to come a habit, you need to get out of this depressive bubble you've put yourself in," seeing the look on my face she quickly ads "and no complaints, even if it's for 10 minutes we are going to Malcolm's." Tugging me down the street, "now hurry up or we'll be late again!"

No shocker there, we are 10 minutes late to registration, I of course blame Mia if she didn't spend 10000 hours on her make up every morning we would get to school with 30 minutes to spare everyday. But I don't have that sort of friend, I have a friend that causes me to have an lunch time detention at least 5 times a term for being late. Just as the bell rings signalling the start of the next lesson everyone starts to gather their stuff when I hear the voice I knew would be wanting to give me another stupid detention.
"Ms Reynolds, would you mind if I had a quick word with you?" Mr Langdon asks after the bell.
"Yeah sure" I say forcing a small smile before turning to Mia giving her the death look "I swear to god if I have to stay in one more lunch time because of you..." I mutter so only she can hear me.
Chuckling she replies "you say that every time," with a smirk on her face she winks at me before heading off to chemistry.
"I'm so sorry, that I'm late again. But really it isn't my fault you see" I rush out a explanation that is probably incomprehensible since I'm talking to fast.
"That's not what I wanted to talk to you about, and believe me I know it's all on Ms Clarke as to why you are both late. " I don't know why but somehow this makes me a lot more worried. "It's nothing bad, I knew you have gone through a hard time recently,  just that the teaching staff is here if you ever need to talk. Losing someone like that-"
"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. But I really have to get to chemistry." I say with semi confidence before rushing out of the room, not wanting to break down in tears in front of my teacher.

73 days before
"So what is the plan, Mr I-Just-Passed-My-Driving-Test-aren't-I-ever-so-great?" I say turning my body towards him in the passenger seat.
"You'll have to wait and see," he says with the most annoying smirk on his face. "I kind of have the perfect day planned."
"Oh, really? And what makes you think that?" I say teasing him.
Turning to face me he flicks my nose before saying "because I know you." Turning back to the road he starts humming the lyrics to his favourite song, with a peaceful look on his face.
Scanning my eyes of his face "I think I'm falling in love with you," I say so quietly under my breath that I think he doesn't hear me.


Letter 2
I love the way that your eyes shine when you are talking about the random things that you love. Like the second week in July when we spent the day talking the day away about books that you read.


Authors note
Hey sorry I have taken forever to post! I kinda had a busy week or so, I'm on holiday but I have a mountain of work to do so I'm kinda in it right now as it is just under 3 months until me exams (yikes!) and I swear I am doing soooooo sh¡t .-. And it doesn't help that I am like the biggest procrastinator in the world! I watched like 2 seasons of TV today after watching the whole sims with zalfie...

But I hope you liked it, I know it's like rubbish conspired to my last chapter :3 but it's like 11:30 so I should go to sleep now, night.
Charlotte xx

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