Chapter 8

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[name] p.o.v

I opened my eyes slowly, I couldn't see much because the sun was blocking my view. I started to get up slowly but I suddenly I felt some something pulling me down again. I was scared, to scared to see what it was or who it was. I took a moment to think about things. I slowly turned my head to find a sleeping Taehyung. 

"W-what are you doing?"I asked.

"Trying to rest. Thanks for the help."He answered with sarcasm.

"Its not time fro this, we need to get to class." I said trying to get up.

"I didn't wake you up when you were asleep, besides, we already missed a class." He said pulling me back down and placing his head on my shoulders.

"WHAT!!" I screamed.

"Don't scream." He stated.

"They might be looking for us." I replied.

"You think I care? Just shut up and do what I said." He ordered.

"Who do-"I tried to finish but he stopped me.

"Please." He said and I stayed quiet. 

After a few minutes he was asleep. 'He looks cute when he is asleep.' That thought snapped out of my head when I felt his hands wrap around my waist, my heart was beating fast and I could feel my cheeks burning. ' When is he going to wake up?' I thought.  I tried getting his hands of me, but I only made it worse. He was breathing heavily, I could feel his warm breath on my neck. 'Maybe I should wake him up.' I thought as I slowly turned my head around to wake him. I was really relieved when I saw that he was awake. 

"W-we should go." I stated. He looked at the way we were, almost cuddling each other.

"Taking advantage of me while I was asleep." He said smirking.

"I didn't do anything. You were probably dreaming." I said but I'm pretty sure he doesn't care.Minutes later we got to our class, and unfortunately we had a project, a group project. 

"I've already chose your partners." The teacher started. Everyone started complaining. I didn't really care, as long as me and my partner got everything done.

"Okay, lets begin." She started.

*Minutes Later*

"Group 8 Mayra and Jimin, Group 9 Victoria and Jin, Group 10 Andrea and Jungkook, Group 11 Marie and Hoseok, Group 12 [name] and Taehyung. "

No, after what happened today its going to be awkward to talk to him. I'v been trying to avoid him but its not working everything I try only makes us become closer to each other. 

Taehyung's p.o.v

I wanted to be partner up with one of my friends but it will be fun to mess with [name]. Too bad Suga and Rap Monster are in the other class. 

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It was lunch time and I could see [name] eating with her friends. 

"We should go eat with them since we are their partners." I said pointing at their direction. They all nodded their heads and we went to the girls table. 

"Can we sit here?" Jin asked and they all nodded. 

"Except for Taehyung." [name] said.

"Like I would ever listen to you." I said as I sat down next to her.

"This is Rap Monster and Suga." Jimin said pointing at the two boys.

"Rap Monster?" Andrea asked.

"Yeah, I like to be called like that." He said and gave her a smile.

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[name] p.o.v

School was already over and Taehyung was following me AGAIN. What does he want this time?


LOL, Taehyung is a stalker XD

Hope y'all are enjoying the story :P

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