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Kristina's POV

I sat down next to Marcel trying to sit as far away as possible from him. I didn't want to his nerdy-ness to rub off on me. I mean, look at him. At the time, he was cleaning his glasses, huffing on them so they would become foggy. In my opinion, Marcel is the nerdiest person on the planet. I can't picture anyone dating this loser.

"Ms. Sanders, please pay attention." This teacher was a total buzzkill. I mean, if I could push her out the window, I would.

I blew a bubble with my pink bubblegum to show her I didn't care about what she said. She looked at me straightly and said, "Kristina. Go throw out your gum and give me your cell phone."



I spit out my gum onto the floor and said, "Happy?"

Telling by her face, she seemed disappointed. Who cares though? I know I don't. "Sanders! Pick that up now." She emphasized the 'now'. I honestly couldn't care what she thinks though and what she had to say.

She turned to Marcel and said, "Marcel, I'm sorry you're seated next to a pig."

"Oh, it's fine. I love pigs. As a matter of fact, I have a book about pigs with me right now." About to get it out, I chimed in.

"You aren't really gonna do that right?"

I raised a brow.

Marcel's face dropped as if I had stabbed him in the heart, taken it out and fed it to those 'pigs'. Oh well. I can't seriously believe I was friends with this loser when I was younger..

"Kristina. Apologize! Geez, what is wrong with you?"

"Hey, I'm just saving him from an embarassing moment called his social life."

Marcel began to tear up a bit. He turned back to his backpack and got out a small pack of Kleenex tissues and blew his nose.

I felt sorry for the boy, I really did, but would it kill him to at least try and save his social life before he dies?

The teacher, Mrs. Myers, turned around and sat down and put her hands on her head. I guess I gave her a headache.

He took out a yellow slip. Guess I know what that means, more detention...I didn't really care. I don't attend the detentions I get anyways.

I smirked, taking out my mirror, I checked how I looked. My lashes seemed to straighten a bit, so I took out my lash curler and began curling my lashes. That is, until the principle, the woman I hate so very much, walked in and scared me. "GEEZ WOMAN! I NEARLY PULLED OUT MY LASHES!" I shouted.

She walked over to me, taking my bag and searching through it. She took out my makeup bag, my phone, my mirror, and well.. everything. I didn't have any books in my bag. Probably just homework, but other than that my whole bag was empty.

"Uh, you cant just take that!"

"Yes I can Ms. Sanders. You will get this back once your behavior improves."

She left the classroom leaving me in anger. So many thoughts were going through my mind at the moment.

"Okay, so back to before Ms. Sanders came into the classroom, we will have a class project. You and your partner will create a boardgame using a specific formula. To play the game, the player will have to solve the equation using your formula. Any questions?"

I turned back to my friend Chelsea, her giving me the same look I gave her. We were sure to be partners.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. Sander's, your partner will be Marcel. Same goes for everyone else. Your partner will be your table partner. You have three weeks before it's due. Start!"

Me and Marcel stared at each other not saying a word. But I broke the silence, "So here's the deal. You do all the work and then you put my name on it. Kay?"

Marcel replied back not knowing what to say. He almost said something, but he must've known it'd just come out as a mumble.

Mrs. Myers probably heard me and said, "No. Sanders, you and Marcel will work together." Oh great. Why does she hate me?


"Good, now start."

I turned back to Marcel, "What do you want to do for the game?"

I don't want to admit, but he was a bit cute if he didn't gel his hair and wear glasses and wear all that... junk.

"What about Monopoly?" Marcel talked very quiet as if I was going to hurt him.

"And instead of buying stuff, whoever has the most money wins?"

"Well, along the lines of that. I was thinking more of, so t-the person rolls the dice, and they have a chance to move that many spaces if they get the equation r-r-r-right."

He was still stuttering. I didn't want to hurt him, since I was still going to make him do everything anyways. I didn't want to jeapordize my chances of my 'A'.

We went through half an hour just talking about the project. Whoa, my life is so interesting.. Note the sarcasm.

Author's Note:

Not one of my best I guess... I'm not really into writing this one, but only because I'm pretty tired and I just wanna snuggle up in my bed and read. I'm supah tired.

Well, I don't have anything else to say but #Austina ! <3 that's my friend couple name haha she awesome strong

Listen to Slow Down by Selena Gomez!!

-lelaaailove Xx

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