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Buzz... Buzz... What was that annoying buzzing sound. Ugh, and I had just gotten to sleep. I turned on the lamp next to my bed, huh, it was coming from my tablet. Wait, since when do I have a tablet? All of the memories of yesterday came flooding back to me. I pinched myself, was this all a dream? Ow, it definitely wasn't. I looked over to the bed next to me, Elisabeth must have already gotten up. I turned off my alarm and yawned. Time for a new day. I went and took a shower, brushed my teeth and changed into the uniform. I had just finished brushing my hair when Elisabeth came in.

"Can I do your hair?" she asked.

"Huh?" I said groggily.

"Can I?" she asked, "I like your hair, it's really nice." She took the rubber band in my hand and started French braiding my hair. I had never had my hair French braided before, it felt... Nice. I think I was just a tiny bit relieved, I was really stressed about my first day of school and this was kind of relaxing. "Done," she said after a few minutes.

"Thanks, it looks really nice," I said. I grabbed my tablet, a pencil and a blank notebook from my suitcase. I found Elisabeth doing almost the same thing. The morning announcements came on.

"Good morning students and happy Monday! It is 6:45 and you will have classes starting in 15 minutes. Since today is the first day, we will have teachers who will direct you to your first class. We will let you be up to five minutes late, but no later, so you better start moving now. Don't forget to get some breakfast this morning, I hope you already have. If you are running a bit late and haven't, then take a breakfast smoothie from the cafeteria. Please do not go to your classes without breakfast. Good luck on your first day!" said the morning announcements person.

"Breakfast!" Elisabeth said, "we forgot, come on we have to go." We ran to the cafeteria and grabbed a smoothie each. There we parted ways, I had History and she didn't. I asked a teacher where it was and she said it was the third door down. I walked in, and there I saw Ross Peters. What was he doing here? I immediately blushed. But I kept walking. I sat next to Amy, I didn't know her too well, but it was nice to see a familiar face. But guess who ended up sitting next to me! Harry. I hate Harry. But he was blocking my space so I had to talk to him.

"Move," I grumbled.

"Sheesh, fine," he said. He moved, but I needed information from him so I kept talking.

"So do you know why Ross is here?" I asked.

"Why do you care," he countered.

"He wasn't there at the counselor meeting," I said.

"Fine I'll tell you, he was waitlisted and someone dropped out so he got in. Happy? Now don't talk to me," he said.

"Ok class I hope you are having a good first day. My name is Ms. Zimmerman and I teach history, but you already know that," she started. The class was fairly uneventful and was like any other first day. I was told to bring a folder for next time I had history. It was a good class, it was a bit more challenging but I welcomed the challenge. It all went well until the partner project, we were supposed to be given a state, then we had to make a poster advertising it. "Annika, you will be paired with, Ross, and you will be doing Alaska," said Ms. Zimmerman. I blushed. Again. I went over to his desk and sat next to him. He smelled like, fruit?

"Um... Hi Annika," he started.

"Hi Ross," I started, "so, what do you know about Alaska?"

"I know that once last winter it was colder here than it was there," he said smiling. I giggled. I took my tablet and searched, Alaska.

"Hmm... It's known for its abundance of natural resources and wonderful nature," I said.

"I've been to Alaska once," Ross started, "on a cruise. It's a really beautiful place. There are grizzly bears, caribou and seals. There are mountain and glaciers. There are rivers with water so clear you could see straight to the bottom."

"Wow, it sounds wonderful, we should write that on our poster," I said. I looked at him, he was searching up highlights of Alaska on his tablet. I went to the back and grabbed a poster. I wrote Alaska at the top with a black marker in bubble letters. We worked on the poster for a while more and we were halfway done. Ms. Zimmerman said we would have next class to work on it too. Also, these were our permanent seats. The bell rang and I got out of the class. I breathed a bit. Well, off to English I guess. I'm glad though, I have it with Elisabeth.

I found a teacher who directed me to the English classroom. I sat down, Elisabeth wasn't here yet. I turned on my tablet on and opened the map app. Hmm... There was a hallway and a few classrooms but none of them were labeled. In the right hand corner was a labeling button, convenient. Elisabeth walked in and say down next to me. The teacher walked in and the class was pretty normal, almost dull even. I walked out of the room with Elisabeth and went to my next class, French.

The rest of the day was normal and I went back to my room. I did some of the homework assigned to me. I know, homework on the first day. Well it is supposed to be an advanced school. "I just don't understand," Elisabeth started, entering the room.

"What?" I asked.

"This stupid curfew! So I was trying to go to my  super forgetful science teacher who forgot to pass out the homework to our class, and a teacher said to go back to my room! I tried to explain what happened but she said come back after 5:00!"

"That is weird."

"I'm just gonna do the rest of my homework in the hour that we have." Elisabeth sat down next to me and we did our homework, some of which we did together.

Suddenly there was a knock at our door.

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