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I went back to my room after breakfast and tried to do some homework, but the whole time, I could only think about the math tutoring session later. 

"You're working early," Elisabeth said, drying her hair with a towel. She had just finished showering her hair in our bathroom.

"Yeah, I'm trying to get some stuff done because I'll be tutoring later," I said. 

"What are you tutoring, maybe I can come lol, I suck at everything here."

"I don't think you'd need it, it's just math."

"Not to be mean or anything, but isn't the one thing you said you weren't good at was math?"

"Yes, but Ross asked me if I wanted to and I couldn't just tell him no. Plus, it's all stuff I already did at my old school."

"Ok, but what happens when it stops being stuff you learned at your old school?"

"I don't know man, maybe this will push me to get ahead in math."

"Well tell me if its any good, I actually do need help in math."

"Bro, I can just teach you right now," I said, giving her a funny look. I taught Elisabeth everything we had covered in math so far and a little more to get her a little ahead. Along the way, I realized that the best way for me to learn something was for me to teach it to someone else. Hey, we all have our own learning styles. "Hey, it's lunchtime!"

"You go ahead, I'm going to try to memorize this formula and I'll pick up some food later," Elisabeth said.

I slowly walked to the cafeteria, taking in the beautiful building I was walking through. It was built recently and looked like a cross between an office and a Home Depot. The gray concrete floor shone from the artificial light above and I suddenly felt very small. The joy and wonder of the new building faded and I longed to see my family. I walked into the cafeteria and plopped down next to Nat. 

"You look depressed," she said unceremoniously. 

"I wanna go home!" I moaned, "I'm homesick and I want to see my family. I even want to see my annoying sister!" Nat walked over and got me a plate of alfredo pasta and a glass of water. 

"What's there to be homesick about? Just call them."

"Wow, that's so obvious, I should do that!" It felt as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. As I got up Nat reached her hand out to stop me.

"Hey, hey, hey, aren't you going to at least eat some of the pasta?"

"Oh yeah," I said sheepishly. Nat and I talked and I got to know her a little better. If I thought I was homesick, I didn't know what homesick was. She was from the southern part of the state and had never been away from home before. She called her parents every day this week!

When I was done eating, I went back to my room and called my parents. It made me feel so much better. I scrolled through Moorel, the Moore Academy equivalent of Twitter. The hours flew by and suddenly, it was 5 o'clock. 

Hey guys! Hope nobody missed me. As usual, please call me out for any grammar/writing mistakes and inconsistencies. I tried to fix them all, but there might have been some I missed! =) 

Also, I don't know what has happened with the whole Kim Kardashian as Annika thing, I was trying something, then Wattpad broke and I don't know how to fix it. I picture Annika as more of a tiny Indian girl lol, but it's honestly up to the reader's interpretation!

I really don't know anyone that was actually enjoying this story so I've decided to discontinue it. I just see a lot of things wrong with this story. It would take a lot of editing for me to salvage it, and that might completely change the focus of the story. If you want me to do that, I can, but I need someone (it can literally just be one person) to tell me that they would keep reading. If not, check out Sapphire!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2020 ⏰

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