Ashlyn Mills- The Choice

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 So I'm so sorry but tonight I'm am going to see if I can update as many as possible cause there actually more than I ever expected and please from now on if you want to request one please DM me as it is easier to sort out..hahaha...*Awkwardly scratches head* But anyways here is your imagine Ashlyn I hope you like it. Oh and like always, it is a peter pan one!

######################Your POV#################################

          "Mother, I don't really care about the danger! I just want to help you get Henry back!" I said into the magic portal that Mom conjured to talk, no scratch that- to yell at me. You see, I sorta followed them when they went to get Henry and you know, can't just let my mom have all the fun when I love adventuring too!

     " I don't care Ash! You better get your ass back here before I personal come and track you down to whoop it." If you cant tell, she is pretty mad about me coming without her consent. I fiddled with the red tips of my brown hair as she continued to scold me.  I sighed and was about to tell her that I can take care of myself when the connection froze and she was in the middle of yelling at me so it was sorta a derp fae that would have been funny had I not been that this  never  happened with her calls.

      "Mom...?" I asked. " Oh she wont be replying any time soon doll" I spun fast and there low and behold was the one of the reasons I came to this island.  Peter fucking Pan.  I quickly conjured a knife from my secret little abyss that I keep everything in. Literally everything cause like I even have food in there in case I get hungry (which actually happens a lot...) he just stood and laughed slightly at me.

    " What are you going to do with that tooth pick, prick me with it?" He started to laugh

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    " What are you going to do with that tooth pick, prick me with it?" He started to laugh. " Oh shut up and tell me where my brother is." I glared at him. I was also trying to distract myself fro eyeing him up and down cause  really wasn't expecting him to look this  good.  He stopped laughing suddenly and became suddenly serious. Too alarmingly fast. " Your brother? You mean Henry? Ha. He doesn't want to leave and if you stayed long enough then you wouldn't either." He paused for a moment, looking me up and down, then muttered something to himself. "Hmm What was that?" I asked. " Noting of your concern . If you're a good girl then I might just tell you later..." He smirked " And by the looks of it you want to stay." "What?! No I don't, what makes you think tha-"

He rolled his eyes," Oh come on! It's so easy to see. You're jealous of henry aren't you. You hate that Regina gives him more attention then she ever did you. You're jealous that Henry has mothers instead of one, and that one of them happens to be your own. You wonder what would happen if you just left. Would they care or would they foget you nd get on with life? All these questions are running through your head. Am I right?" He had caught you off guard. 'How the hell did he know?' " It doesn't matter anyway-" " Don't say it doesn't matter cause it does Ashlyn." He got really close and pushed me up against a tree.

      I lowered my knife. We were so close I could feel his breath on my face. " Come on Ashlyn, Let go. Don't go back to those stupid adults. Come and be a child, forever, with me. I Know you want to." He slowly got closer. It was getting harder to process what was happening as he got closer. All I could get out was " How did you know my name? I never told you it." he chuckled softly and replied with," I have my sources. Now Ashlyn, what will it be? Go and grow up and eventually die no matter what? Or stay here and stay young forever?" He whispered into my ear. It sent chills down my spine. I sat there a second deciding when I finally spoke up. " I'll stay." He smirked " On one condition" That smirk faltered. " And what would that be?" He asked as he  backed up slightly. Perfect.

 " 1) You let henry go" He nodded still unsure " 2) You have to catch me first" I smirked as a surprised look quickly covered his features as I disappeared.

He sat there for a moment before he smiled deviously." So it a game you wanna play huh Ash?" He sneered. " Then let's play."


   Well folks Idk what just happened but tbh I am actually quite proud of that. Ashlyn I hope you liked it cause I had tons of fun writing it and I hope everyone enjoyed it. As for in like 10 minutes, JamieDuthie7  should be out so I hope your all excited. ( Btw the reason I'm doing this is so tomorrow I can post a Valentines one...<(*3*)>. Hope you all enjoy it!

                                                                                                              ~ Strawberry-chan

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