Chapter Four

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With the boys gone,Maleficent sneakily approaches Mal. Sadly for Maleficent, she was caught.

"What do you thing you're doing mom?" Mal asked.

" Oh! Uh..... I just want to get close to you?" Maleficent unconfidently said.

" Why's that?" Mal asked.

" I.... Miss being together with you. It ain't fair for me, I'm stuck in prison while you get all the fun." Maleficent complained.

"Well, I doubt that's true." Mal countered as she moved herself and her chair away.

" What if it's not? Would you believe me?" Maleficent asked.

" Nice try mom. This isn't the reason why we allowed you to be free from your prison. You're here to help us deal with something." Mal said.

" Hah! What made you honestly believe I shall actually do it?! I did it so that boy would shut up." Maleficent exclaimed.

" Well, I can't wait to tell - " Before Mal was able to finish her sentence, a scream was heard.

" What was that?" Mal asked as she inspected the area for the sound.

"Hmph. Sounds like someone screaming in agony over something worthless." Maleficent replied.

Suddenly, Mal and her mother feels something rough around their legs.As they look down,they see a thorned plant about to reach their waist.

" Gah! Thorns!!!" Mal screehed.

" Ugh, where is this coming from? Certainly I never casted this spell!" Maleficent screamed.

" Oh don't worry, it's definitely not from you." A voice said.

Once Maleficent and Mal heard the voice, they immediately look for who said it. To their surprise it was the hooded figure that King Ben was looking for. 

" Are you......That thief who stole the apples?" Mal asked.

" Oh no, a thief? I'm just a poor person. I was hungry and since I don't have any money, I decided to take them." the hooded figure replied.

" But, that's so wrong!" Mal said as she tried to breath from the thorns crushing her.

" No, it's not. When it's for a reason, then it's okay." the hooded figure said.

" That's a lie!" Mal exclaimed angrily.

" Hmph." the hooded figure grinned.

"Enough! How exactly did you manage to learn one of my spells? There's no way someone would find my spell books." Maleficent shouted.

" I had it since forever." the hooded figure said.

" You stole it?! Nobody dares to steal my property, not even a worthless imbecile as you!!!" Maleficent furiously screamed.

"Stole it? The spellbook belongs to me." the figure said.

Mal's POV

"Huh? The spellbook belongs to her? What's going on? Am I in some sort of illusion?" 

" Show me your face! Who exactly are you?!" Maleficent screamed.

"Hmph. Why waste time revealing myself to you when I've got bigger plans? the hooded figure contradicted while magically disappearing in green flames.

After the flames lessened, Maleficent and Mal was just plain silent. They were given some sort of clue who the hooded figure could be just by the magic he/she used. Although, they don't have much of a clue.

" Mom, did you see that?" Mal asked while still shocked.

" Yes......." Maleficent replied shakingly.

" I never knew you had a apprentice who may surpass you." Mal said.

Maleficent looks at Mal with a frown. " Ya think? I don't have an apprentice. It was only you." 

" Seems to me you do." Mal countered.

(Meanwhile, inside Auradon High....)

" You think Mal's okay?" Evie asked as she runs.

" Of course." Jay replied.

"Yeah, Evie. Wait, why are you asking?" Carlos asked while following Ben.

"Because.....Because you left her with her mom, you goofball!!!!!!" Evie yelled.

(stops running)

" You did what?!" Ben furiously asked.

"We uh........" the boys muttered.

" were told by Mal that we can go indoors if we've got bored." Jay answered.

" Yeah, what Jay said." Carlos added.


" You should of refused knowing that danger may struck her. You know how her mother can be unpredicatable especially that hooded figure we're supose to catch! Why did you agree?" Ben asked while still furious.

" What are we suppose to do Ben? It's been hours and that thief wouldn't bother showing up.What's the point?!" Jay argued.

" The point is to keep your guard up." Ben calmly said.

" Why are we still here, knowing Mal is probably in danger?!" Evie screeched.

" Uh, guys...." Carlos said.

" What?" the three students asked.

Carlos points to a fat thorn plant extended through the hallway, blocking the school entrance.

" Darn it! It blocked the entrance. What now?" Jay complained.

" I know, do you boys remember the entrance leading to the tourney field?" 

" Yeah." Carlos and Jay replied.

" Then let's head there." Ben said.

As the boys head for the tourney field, Evie was completely confused on what to do.

" What about me, guys? What am I suppose to do?" Evie asked frantically.

" You can probably try using your magic mirror to destroy those thorns!" Ben replied as he runs.

" Uh, okay......" Evie answered.

And so Evie walked straight to where the thorns are, once arrived, she casted her spell.

" Magic mirror, freeze these thorns!" Evie commanded.

The mirror did as what's told, the thorns weakened and rottened eventually.

"Now, I can get out of here." Evie said with a glee.

When Evie got out of the building, she finds Mal and her mother strangled by thorns.

" Don't worry, Mal. I'm coming!!!" Evie shouted.

" Huh? Evie is that you?" Mal asked.

(to be continued......)

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