Chapter 20

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Hey guys ! Do you like the new cover? A very nice, dedicated fan to my book made it and I fucking love it. She's good at making covers & stories . Her user is : @i_dontt_know . Follow her or maybe even ask her to do covers? Cause she's amazing !

Chapter 20:

*Harrys POV*

God, I wish her beautiful, dull eyes would stop staring at me.

"Go on, Harry." She pushes gently. I huffed.

"Well, when we were on the plane... I guess I just felt abandoned. I had been sitting alone with you, you were sleeping, and I felt as if I haven't talked to my mum in forever, which I haven't. I feel like... Ever since she left me, it's always been like this. The same nightmare now and again. I always strive to sleep with someone, which explains why I always tried to sleep with you or Louis or whoever is available." I intake a breath and she's examining my hands, nodding her head and waiting patiently for me to continue. "They stopped for a while and now it's like... They're coming back to me again, ya know? But worse and more often."

"Harry. I know you feel abandoned but I can promise you, I'll never abandon you. You trust me, don't you?" She looks up at me, scooting closer. I nod, at a loss for words at her sleepy state. "Good. Now, turn off the light. It's late and we need sleep." She reached over me and flicked off the light and getting under the covers. I join her and set a hand over her, assuring myself she's there.

"God, you're perfect," I mumble. My eyes grow wide at the words and I see that she's already sleeping. I laugh. So perfect...

I shut my eyes and try to think happy thoughts.


I wake up and I see that Beatrice is still laying there with me. I extend my arm from around her waist and brush some hair from her forehead. Her eyes snap open and I gasp at the sudden movement.

"You're awake," I smile at her.

"I've been awake, Harry. I've been waiting for you so you don't feel alone." My heart flutters at her words and she makes an effort to get up. She crosses the room to the closet and changes in the bathroom, throwing her clothes in the hamper. She was basically already ready for the day.

"That means a lot, Bea."

"It's nothing." She walks out of the room. I see her nice façade was just for the night. I guess that means I have to start mine, too. I groan.

"Why do you hate me?" I grab her wrist and tug her to look at me as she's making her way downstairs.

"I don-"

"Don't tell me that bullshit, Beatrice. I know you do. Why?"

"Cause of this!" She snaps her hand away from me and takes a few steps back. "You act like you're the fucking boss of me."

"You do hate me?"

"I guess so, Harry." I grow silent and I groan and feel the need to punch a wall. She's so damn difficult.

"Come to dinner with me."


"Come. To dinner. With me." I enunciate. "I can prove that I'm not a douche bag. You might even like me a little by the end of it." I smile gently, trying to be nice.

"You're going to take me out for a cliché dinner? Nah, I'll pass."

"Anything... Please, just give me a chance."

"Fine. Surprise me. Tomorrow at noon?" She looks me in the eye and I feel seriously weak at my knees. How does she do this to me? I grasp the counter harshly and try to keep my balance.

"Of course, babe."

She smiles and walks out of the room and goes to the kitchen. I make my way to the bedroom and change. It's hot out so I stick to my skinny jeans and skipping out on a shirt. Not like I would get shit for it. I put on a headband, or bandana whatever they're called, and walk out the door. I sprint my way to the only person I know will help me at this moment.

*Beatrices POV*

Of course I hated Harry. Why wouldn't I? He's not the boss of me and I didn't want to lie to him about it. I was super surprised when he told me about his dream last night. I thought he would continue being a prick without it. I finish eating my Nutrition Bar and throw away the wrapper.

"Harry?" I call out. There's no answer. I shrug and make my way upstairs, going into my bathroom to get my makeup on since I forgot to do that this morning.

I flick the light on and take out my makeup. I look into the mirror to find a giant note written with my lipstick.

'I went to a friends... I know I said we'd have a date tomorrow but get ready and meet Louis at the movies.

Love, Haz.'

I laughed at his cheesiness and continued to put on my makeup. I went and changed my casual fitting into skinny jeans that went up above my waist and a cheetah print tuck in blouse. I smiled at my choice in style and I brushed all of my hair to my right shoulder. I decided I looked fine and went downstairs to wait until dark.

Soon enough, I found myself being awoken by a knock on the door. Louis was standing there, leaning against the frame, he was sporting all black and his hair looked like he was still 18.

"Well, hey Lou." I smiled. He nodded and linked our arms, leading me to his car.

"Where are we going?" I watched as he drove, staring at the night. It was late, like 11.

"I can't say. I'm bringing you to a movie," he avoided my eye contact so I continued to stare out the window.

"Louis, I think you're going the wrong way." I point out that he's in a deserted meadow. Many of flowers blooming from the soil.

"We get out here," he told me. I get out first and suddenly I hear the car rev up and Louis is out of sight.

I panic. What do I do? Where am I? Why'd Louis do this to me?

"Glad you could join me."

I scream and turn around as two arms capture me and throw me onto the persons back. I knew it was a male.

"Let me go!" I scream.

"No can do, princess." He says as he continues to carry me farther down the meadow and into the woods.


El oh el . I'll be updating again tonight so you don't have to wait too long . Vote & Comment and I'll update faster.

I'm such a bitch .

Love me .

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