Chapter One: Emma

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"Are you ready?" I hear Deans voice from the walkie talkie in my back pack. Rolling my eyes, I reach back and grab it, pressing the button to talk back.

"Aren't I always ready, Daniels?" I reply sarcastically, and imagine Deans brown eyes narrowing in irritation.

"Then what are you waiting for, girl?"

I growl a little and put the walkie back in my back pack, walking behind another bush and peering around it.

The large government train looms in front of me, carrying millions of dollars on board to take to an airplane, which will then take it to a foreign country. The Nation was slowly trying to pay off its many debts.

Well, not tonight.

I grab the explosive device from my back pack and look at it warily. I don't really know how these things work. I just know I have to connect it to the train before it leaves, get the hell out of there, then press a button on a remote thats in my pocket. Seems easy enough, this isn't my first rodeo.

I quickly touch my crescent moon necklace for good luck, and leave my place behind the bush, carrying the bomb underneath my arm. I hastily glance around me, confirming the lack of guards around the train. I look down at my watch. Two minutes till departure. The money has to be on the train by now.

I sprint over to the side of the train, my heart beating heavily in my chest, adrenaline running through my veins. The adrenaline I feel during these missions is almost like a drug. A drug I simply cannot get enough of.

Reaching the side of the train, I smack the bomb to its side, the strong adhesive instantly gluing itself there. Almost nothing could get it off now.

Then, one last final touch. I grab the can of red spray paint from my back pack and find a large tree near the train, but far enough it wouldn't get hurt during the explosion. I spray paint the large letter E, and smile a little at my handiwork.

I dash away from the train and while running, feel for the remote in my pocket. Thirty seconds till departure, I'm running out of time.

Just a few seconds before it leaves, I press the button, imagining the gears in the bomb clicking, then I hear the explosion.

I stop and glance behind me, grinning from ear to ear. Another job well done for me. Flames dance around the train, shrieks are heard, commotion is starting. And the spray painted E is standing, unhurt and proud.

I chuckle a bit and continue running, taking the woods as a way home. If any of the officials were to start chasing me rather than attempt to save the money, it would be harder to find me here.

"Jacobs, are you okay?" I hear Deans concerned voice coming from the walkie and I snatch it out of the bag while running.

"I'm great," I say breathlessly, the adrenaline still running through my veins, causing the run to be easier, "Did it get destroyed?"

"Hell yeah it did!" He says proudly, and I laugh again.

"Well you better have my payment, Daniels, or I'll blow up your house," I joke, and he doesn't answer. I know he has my payment, he's good that way.

I slow down when I start getting closer to the safe house, imagining the money that I'll get. More to add to my savings. More to find him.

My grin instantly slides from my face as his face pops into my mind. His warm brown eyes holding love for me, his arms around me.

"Knock it off," I hiss at myself. But his face won't leave my mind. I hear his laugh, him saying I love you.

I refuse to let tears escape from my eyes. I have to wait till I go to bed, thats when thoughts of him usually visit me. When I can cry and not worry about someone seeing me.

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