Chapter 06 - Rumor x Has x It

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She stumbled out into the deserted alleys, and made a turn right, left, and right again; lost, dazed, and confused Viper wandered around the town with no destination in mind. All she knew was that she wanted out - out of this dreadful city with its vices, out of Leorio's web of lies, and out of the sadness that was plaguing her. She slipped, her shirt making a dreadful sound as it ripped further along the seams. Half-torn, muddied, and barely hanging onto her delicate figure, it seemed that Viper would soon need a new shirt.

However, that wasn't her primary objective at the moment. In the corner up ahead, under the faint yellow glow of a streetlight, a girl was crying - her boyfriend was breaking up with her because, well, he met someone else.

A knot formed in Viper's stomach as bile rose in her mouth. She heaved the meal she just had out, making retching noises and attracting the attention of the couple nearby.

The girl was sniffling, and the boy looked annoyed. He told Viper to fuck off and be a drunk somewhere else, then swaggered towards her when she didn't give a response.

Viper knelt with one knee on the ground; her chest throbbed and her head pounding with fury. A primal desire to eradicate overcame her, as she grinned up at the boy - singular fang flashing.

He didn't stand a chance. The girl stifled a scream as Viper looked up from her latest victim. Not only had she killed him instantaneously with a sharp bite to the throat, but she had mauled him beyond recognition. Blood dripped from her scaled hands as the ex-girlfriend sobbed once more - for different reasons altogether.

Terrified, the girl took a step back, and then another. She let out a scream and ran off to report this incident - dropping her handbag along the way. Viper's hands returned to normal and she rose quietly, looking at the young male with a hollow feeling in her heart. It wasn't that she had a particular grudge against him, it was just that... she empathized with the feelings of betrayal, and she just wanted to make him suffer.

She walked towards the girl's fallen hand-bag and looked inside; there was a dress - which was a size too big but still better than the old ratted out shirt - and a hat; both pieces seemed like they belonged to someone in the entertainment industry. She struggled with the clothing on her back, but could not manage to tear it off - even though it was seconds from falling.

Disappointed, she gathered the bag and trudged along. She kept her gaze on the ground as she walked - out of this town, out of his life.


Mira was drenched in cold sweat as she woke up with a start - had she dreamed it all? Last night, was there a green-haired girl that tried to kill her because she asked someone on a date? She winced at the pain from her neck and the back of her head. She let out a sigh and a whimper - it was real, all of it.

"How are you feeling?" The man from last night walked in - his name, what was his name again? Mira looked at him with confusion evident in her eyes. He smiled kindly as he set down the tray he was holding.

"Leorio." He gently reminded her. He gestured to the food that was piled high on the tray, alongside a cup of orange juice and various pills.

"I thought you might be hungry." Leorio admitted nervously, chuckling. "But, I wasn't sure what you ate, so, I brought a bit of everything."

Mira looked up at the man in the blue suit - Leorio - then back to the food. Her eyes were devoid of any emotion as she mumbled slowly - her throat still sore from the screaming she did last night.

"I'm sorry for making you go through all this trouble. I really don't eat much." She winced as swung her legs off the side of the bed. The lack of covers revealed that her bloodied garment from last night was gone, replaced with a simple nightgown.

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