Chapted three.

7 2 1

Who in the hell are you????

"Elliot. Why?" I asked.

What in the actual hell?????? Who in the fuck are you!???

"I don't know" was his answer. I don't know what it is about him that makes me believe that what he's saying is a lie. That he does know exactly why. He's not the same Elliot.

He's a different, inked, sexy, Elliot.

I took a step back.

He noticed the space between him and I became very confused.

"You want to watch a movie" he asked as he glanced at the tv and a pile of movies on the glass table by the coach.

I looked at all the movies from where I was standing.

Corpse bride
Nightmare on elm street
And many more.

All my favorite movies growing up. All the movies I've seen with Elliot. All the movies I've enjoyed while sitting in the dark laying on Elliot's shoulder.

I couldn't help but smile.

"Why are you smiling like that?"

"Nothing" I whispered to him as our eyes met.

He knew why I was smiling. I could see it all in the curves of his face as he smiled. I could see it in the way his eyes lit up.

It's easy to get back into old habits. And my bad habit was Elliot West.

"Elliot" I said.

Your about to kill the mood.


Oh don't do it.

"Why did you lie.....about the tattoo"

Oh my god.

"Can you just let it go please" he pleaded.

"Elliot...." I said as I slowly started walking his way.

"Leave it" he said more aggressively. the world of Elsa let it go.

"I can't let it go. It's inked on your skin. That shits permanent" I said losing my marbles.

He looks as if it's a touché subject.

"JUST FUCKING DROP IT" he shouted.

"Who are you? Your not the Elliot I grew up with. The Elliot I loved"

"Guess who made sure of that?" He said with sarcasm just dripping out of his mouth like a open faucet.     

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means that your selfish! Your selfish enough to push me away because you couldn't handle anything. You were all alone! Because you didn't want to hurt anyone. You didn't see how hard that was for me. How hard it was for me not to go up to you and to you. How hard it was for me because I shared everything with you. Every stupid secret. Ever stupid thought. Every stupid gossip. Imagine how hard it was for me to be in love with you and you just shove me away! So I earned the fucking right to be different than how you remember. Shit. Love like that doesn't fly fucking away like birds or how many fucks I give about politics. Shit. All I cared about was you"

Oh my Jesus. He just confessed.

I watched as his chest rose and fell rapidly. 

Elliot. Was. In. Love. With. Me.

How long???

All his life???


God I love him.

I've always have.

I didn't know what to say.

"Elliot......" I whispered gently.

He closed his eyes as he spoke "you don't have to say anything. I don't want to hear anything. I just want to shut the fuck up and watch a movie with my best friend"

I wanted to kiss him then and there. I watched as he pulled his shirt back over his head.

We watched about 4 movies until Elliot fell asleep. I couldn't help but look at him the whole time.

He was beautiful, still. I couldn't imagine what he ever saw in me. He is different. I don't know what it is about the new Elliot that makes me feel like the old one is still in there. Under tough armor. Under a lot of unresolved feelings. Under all the complications. Under his beautiful pearl inked skin. And deep down under regret. In his heart.

There lied the old Elliot, that died.

I killed Elliot.

I killed my best friend, and replaced him with a newer half ass version.

But that's the thing. I didn't want the half ass version of Elliot. I wanted the real parts.

Hope you liked this small chapter. It was pretty stupid tbh. But I'll work on it. Love you guys.

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