Chapter four.

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Clarissa. <-- name of chapter

I woke up to the smell of burnt food and smoke. As my eyes opened and a burning sensation was in my throat.

"What the fuck" I said as I sat up and waved my hand in front of my face, trying to rid the stench from my nostrils.

I pulled myself up from the couch and looked at Elliot as he fails to cook breakfast.

He looks great with morning hair.

I could get used to this.

Elliot turned his head toward me and smiled. It was a nice smile, then as he forgot about the food and pan caught fire.

"OH FUCK!" Elliot yelled as he stood there looking at the flames before him. Just standing there. JUST standing there. JUST STANDING THERE WITH A FREAKING FIRE IN FRONT OF HIS FACE! I rushed to his side and took snatched it out of his hands. I threw it into the sink and turned the faucet on and watched the fire slowly evaporate.

Once the fire was gone I realized that there was a breath of air in my mouth I wasn't aware that I was even holding.

"For future references, don't cook. Like. EVER" I said as I turned the faucet off.

I glanced at Elliot as he looks disappointed with himself.

"Sorry" he said as he glanced at me with a straight face.

Welp. This is a turning of events.

"It's fine Elliot, I'll cook something"

"Since when can you cook???" He said with a smirk on his face.

He looks so intimidating.

"I've learned a while ago" I said as I grabbed what ingredients Elliot has left out.

Pancake mix

"Last time I checked we both sucked at cooking. Remember we burnt down the cooking class your mum signed us up for" Elliot said as he leaned against the counter.

"I remember......that was all your fault. I told you to never put that much oil" I said as I recalled on the image of young Elliot poring the oil into the skillet.

I laughed at the image in my head.

"No......." He began.

"Elliot " I said as I gave him the exact same look I did when we were younger.

Apparently a wash of memory washed over Elliot's face, and he remembered.

"Shit" he said with a laugh.

His laugh was real, I couldn't help myself from smiling like an idiot.

"Can I help you cook? I might not be good at cooking but I'm definitely good at doing things with instructions" he said.

I nodded my head and we began.

"Okay, Elliot pass me the butter" I said as I stared at the empty pan.

I glanced as Elliot opened his refrigerator and bent down to get the butter. Some of his pale beautiful skin showed. And there went my hormones.

Hormonal teenage girl. -.-

I turned back before he could even notice that I was looking at him, not in the way best friends should.

Are we even best friends? Does it just work like this? Do we just pick back up?

He placed the butter in my hand and I opened it and placed a little bit of it in there and made sure it was evened out along the bottom of the pan as it melted.

Elliot had a bowl already out so I placed the mix inside the bowl.

"Okay Elliot come here" I said as I turned my head towards him.

Elliot looked scared, he knew he was going to fuck it up.
That was so funny to me. I bursted out laughing while mixing the egg in the pan.

"What's so funny?" He asked "Your face!" He tilted his head to the side .

"Why do you look like your scared to death!" I said wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Well I just really don't want to burn down the house." He said swirly running his fingers through his hair.
I finished cooking the eggs and started mixing the pancake mix. For a while the kitchen was quiet but not an awkward quiet. This time it was comforting.

I suddenly felt a cold wet sensation on my back. I quickly turned around and saw Elliot laughing his ass off.
"Elliot you know I have a white shirt on right!!"

"So what are you going to do about it " he stepped closer to me " I'll tell you what..."
I stepped closer to him. I can feel his breath on my face. He leans in and I throw flower in his face.
"What the fuck I thought we were gonna kiss!!" He said coughing

"Well you thought wrong" I put on the super hero stance.

Elliot grabbed some water and threw it on my shirt. I began to shiver ass the contact of water hits my skin through the shirt.

No. Nipples.

I glanced down at Elliot's shirt. And there they were, more visible than global warming.

"Shit" I muttered underneath my breath as I covers my breasts.

My face bags to heat up at I felt myself tremble at the sudden embarrassment.

I glanced down at my feet squeezing my arms over my boobs. Elliot began to walk closer.

I tilted my head upwards as I watched him take my hands in his, and motioned them to my sides.

At this point my body wasn't in control, his body was.

Elliot slowly but his lip, lifted my shirt and ran is fingers against my skin. Every surface of my body was covered in goosebumps as his hand rises higher and higher up my stomach.

Elliot leaned in closer, I could feel his nose as it touched mine. And how is warm and general breath touched my face. A warm feeling tingled inside my skin.

Elliot ran his scrawny fingers over my nipples, and I closed my eyes tight.

Elliot brought his mouth to my neck, not kissing it just hovering over my skin as he continued to assault me.

Hope you like it. I'm tAking a small break from social media.

Instagram: okayaxhley
Snapchat: https.creepysou
Tumblr: itsacidaxhley

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2016 ⏰

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