Gabriel - I Love You More Than Chocolate

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"Heya sunshine!" You heard a voice behind you.

You smiled, "Hi Gabriel."

It was Valentine's Day.

And you wanted to give something to Gabriel but you were too shy to do so. "So, it's Valentine's Day," he walked towards you, invading your personal space, "And I was wondering if you would like to be my valentine."

You let out an embarrassing squeak, your face was red and your hands trembled. "So whaddya say? Me, you, and no one else." He said, smirking. Too shocked to even say anything you nodded.

"Terrific!" Gabriel cheered, confetti appeared out of no where and he pulled you closer to him, "Can I have kiss?" He asked, his eyes sparkling. You hesitated but pressed your lips to his enjoying every moment of it.

"Wow. I think I love you more than chocolate." Gabriel said when both of you stopped kissing to breathe.


Shit. I think it's very obvious I like Gabriel a lot oops.

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