Soulless Sam - Requested

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Request by atu_more

You are Sam's daughter and when he returned soulless he hurt you and now he has his soul back but you are still afraid of him.

Minor abusive warning


For the first few days it was the odd behavior that made you suspicious. Sure he looked exactly like Sam Winchester, your dad, but something was... Off.

He then started getting more violent. Cursing, breaking things and almost hurting you in the process.

And then he started to vent his frustrations on you.

"Do you know how it felt like in hell?" He would say, you were confused and you were going to comfort him but he hurt you.

Punches and kicks.

It was painful, but you let him hit you. You didn't know what you were supposed to do. Your dad was always the one to guide you and take care of you but now Uncle Dean was living happily elsewhere and your dad was no longer himself.

You suffered a month of abuse and starvation. He rarely fed you anything and if he did it was never enough.

Finally you ran away.

Packed up and ran. You didn't care where you went. You just ran as far as possible from that god awful man.

It was then you made it into the news for stealing and your uncle found you, you explained to him what happened and he let you stay with him.

And then him and Lisa just...

You were so very afraid your uncle would hit you too. You ruined his happy life. He had a family. A happy one away from this shitty hellhole. But he didn't hurt you in any way. He cared for you even.

Castiel came once, he helped you by healing you and even though he was very busy he would try to come and check in on you as many times as possible.

You were feeling better without your dad around. But it was inevitable. The Winchester family reunited once again.

It was difficult. You wanted so badly to scream and run but you stayed and put up a brave front, striving to be like your uncle. You remained strong, siding with your uncle on everything and keeping an eye out for your 'dad'.

You avoided him at all costs. Only once did you run into him, literally. You weren't watching where you went and bumped into him.

"Woah there kiddo."

Your body froze and your throat closed up, you could barely breathe and the horrible memories came flooding back to you.

"Oh don't worry, I won't hurt you. Not when Dean is so close by." He said.

A cruel smile formed on his face and he raised a hand. You expected him to slap you or hit you. But instead he patted your shoulder and as much as you hated it 'reassuringly' his like they way your real dad used to do.

Tears were forming now, you looked down at the ground while the soulless bastard walked away laughing.

You couldn't bear it, seeing the soulless form of your dad everyday and not being able to hug him and just be happy. Instead you were depressed and anxious 24/7.

One could say you were broken, you were barely functioning as a human but that was until you were told your dad could get his soul back. You had hope in you for once your uncle and you worked day and night looking for a way to get your dad's soul back.

And he did.

At first you were happy. But it all turned sour very soon.

All the pent up anger in you. Made you hostile, you stuck with your uncle Dean and refused to go anywhere near your father. He would follow you around, apologizing. But you would scream at him and slam the door in his face.

You wanted to make him feel what you felt, hurt like how you did and a part of you even thought about killing your dad.

As fucked up as it was, no one could deny you were definitely in a lot of pain.

You tried to find a part of you that would forgive him. And you even went to Castiel. You wanted change but change wasn't something you get just by asking you had to earn it.

Step by step with your uncle you learned to forgive your dad.

Starting slowly by talking to him. At first it was just small talk, and then it slowly became longer conversations about happy things like TV shows.

And then came the hunting, both of you hunted together once again as father and child.

Slowly, you forgave him.

And that was when you knew you truly had your family back.

"I missed you so much."


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