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threesympathy- 160115, busan

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sympathy- 160115, busan

"Fuck, you're heavy," Hyerin breathed out, adjusting the unconscious boy that leaned against her small frame. She tightened her grip around his waist, stumbling up the steps of her apartment complex.

"People are probably gonna think I'm carrying a dead body up to my room," she continued to mumble to herself, struggling to push open the door of the apartment, "Nothing out of the ordinary."

She kicked the door open with great difficulty, accidentally kicking his foot in the process due to it being in the way. She turned her body and dragged the boy inside, cringing at the sight of the door closing on his arm. "Sorry," she pulled it out and moved forward. This was way more difficult than she imagined it would be.

She couldn't even believe what she was doing, something that would cause jaws to drop and people to find her undeniably crazy. She was, and she knew that. Who in the world would help a stranger on the streets and bring them back to their place? She would.

His head rolled until his bruised cheek rested on her shoulder. His lanky frame was bent in an awkward position, his soft breathes brushing against her neck. It reassured her that he indeed wasn't dead.

She glanced around the place, and slowly made her way towards the many stairs.

She was lucky it was later at night, and that not that many people lived there. The apartment building was practically empty and dead silent.

It's not like anyone who lived here would actually question her, since almost everybody has seen worse. She didn't live in the best neighborhood. It was the type of neighborhood that parents would warn their children to not walk down the streets of here even during the daytime.

Fights and many other things were common around here, even she was a little hesitant to sit outside at night. She's never been bothered by anyone luckily, and that was most likely because of her boyfriend that used to live with her.

She slowly began to struggle her way up the stairs, nearly causing the boy to fall multiple times. She huffed and finished the long journey to her floor. She only lived on the second floor, not too far.

The boys feet dragged against the carpet as she made her way down the hallway, her eyes focused on each numbered door.

Before she was able to make it to her room, a loud bang caused her to nearly jump out of her skin and the boy to slip out of her hold. She wasn't able to catch him before he once again face planted against the floor with a louder thud.

"I'm sorry," she crouched to his level and tried to get a hold of him again. She's damaging him more than he was already damaged, she sighed.

The sound of a door opening made her look away from the severely harmed boy, only to meet with Namjoon once again.

"What's all that rucku-what the fuck?" His gaze fell to the body on the floor, and she too looked at the boy.

"Um," she pursed her lips and looked back to Namjoon who stood in his doorway with widened eyes, "I found a friend that I know unconscious nearby so I'm just helping him, you know?" She cleared her throat and stood back up.

He furrowed his eyebrows, crossing his arms over his bare chest, "Friend? I didn't know you had any friends other than Jimin and I." He mused.

"Well, I do," she lied, "Can you maybe help me out here?" She sighed, running a hand through her short hair.

Hyerin watched silently as he seemed to hesitate, but slowly started out further from his room to kneel down besides the boy. He looked up, locking gazes with her, "What's his name, since you said you know him or whatever," he suspiciously cocked an eyebrow.

Her teeth sunk into her bottom lip. Shit. She didn't even know his name, but she hardly remembered names anyways. She mostly remembers faces.

"I don't remember." She stuffed her hands deep into her pockets, "l don't know him that well. He looks familiar and he's just so young-looking. Wouldn't you feel bad leaving him out there like this?"

"Not really," He inspected the guy.

"I've never seen him before," he flipped the guy onto his back.

"It's not like you know all the people I know," she carelessly shrugged, "Don't worry about it. He's not staying for long. If I left this guy there, he'd probably be dead by morning. I'll just fix him up and send him on his way when he wakes up."

"Yeah whatever. It's not my problem it's yours," he shrugged and lifted up the body with ease. They both started down the hallway a little more until her room number came into view.

She dug in her back pocket and unlocked the door, stepping inside to widen the door. Namjoon stumbled inside, and she closed the door behind him.

"Just set him on the couch," she pointed, setting down her keys before slipping off her shoes. He silently nodded and lightly tossed the boy onto one of the two couches.

"Ew, now I have nose blood on my jacket," he over exaggeratedly flicked at the shoulder, a small drizzle of blood staining his jacket. She silently walked into her small kitchen, tearing off a napkin from its roll before starting back to Namjoon.

She grabbed onto his arm to stop him from moving, and he turned his head to raise his eyebrows at her. She wiped off the little speck of blood as best as she could, tossing the barely stained napkin onto the coffee table.

"There. Happy?" He snickered and ruffled her hair softly, only causing her to frown, "You're so extra."

"Very," his smile slowly began to slip, "You're so weird, Hyerin. Bringing a guy into this house so he won't die. Why are you nice? I don't understand. Should I stare here with you? He's a man, Hyerin. What if he tries to do anything."

"I know how to defend myself, mom. Taehyung was my boyfriend, don't you remember?" she joked, crossing her arms over her chest, "Now leave and get some rest, sorry for bothering you."

"It's whatever, I wasn't sleeping anyways," he was hesitant, staring at the boy on the couch. He began to walk towards the door with a sigh. He turned his head to look back at her before exiting fully.

"If anything, don't hesitate to call for me. I'm right next door," he hesitated, "And take off that ugly jacket, and get over it. He was a shitty boyfriend anyways." She frowned at his words and hesitantly nodded.

He waved a small goodbye before shutting the door behind him. Her tired gaze then averted to the body on the couch, and she plopped down on the other couch with a sigh.

She didn't want to sleep anyways. Not only because of the absence of Taehyung but also because of the familiar boy who laid unconscious before her eyes.

She still needed to be cautious.

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