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sixremembering- 160117, busan

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remembering- 160117, busan

It was a gloomy day, peaceful silence filled the air of her abode and the microwave clock blinked only 3:30 pm. Her elbows rested on the counter, perched up on a stool and her eyes glued to the blinking eyes of the figure.

She slowly rose to her feet at the sight of dark eyes peering open and staring at nothing but the closest thing in sight. He began to feel the burning gaze of her own, so at last they made eye contact once again. They just stared at eachother, as if it were some type of staring contest.

Jungkook reluctantly took up the offer, and that was that. Now her apartment wasn't all that empty, since another human was living there. It hasn't been all that long of her living on her own, but it was almost relieving to be sharing the apartment with someone again.  Until his ankle was completely healed, the both remembered.

She didn't regret helping him, why would she? Not only did she crave company, but it was almost an instinct to help the boy who was only two years younger. Her heart nearly snapped at the sight of him practically broken, and she probably would've helped anybody who was in such a state. Maybe.

Her mind was filled with so much worry for the boy that she actually forgot about how upset she was before. It was only a matter of time before Jungkook being here for a few days becomes a normal thing and her mind no longer filled with him.

At last, Jungkook's lips twitched the slightest in an attempt to form a small smile. He himself forgot about his worries for the slightest second, due to the warming of his heart at how someone he hardly knew was actually willing to help him when he needs it most.

He thought nobody cared, and maybe she doesn't care. Maybe she just felt bad and is forcing herself to act like she cared, but he didn't mind. He felt the stretch of skin once he tried to lift up the corner of his lips to show his gratitude to her.

The bandaids she patched on his face were in awkward positions where any little facial movements seemed to pull off the bandaid little by little.

His face felt swollen and throbbed with each attempt though, so he made his face fall once again. His pain only brought back memories of why it even happened in the first place.

She took her time walking back towards the couch, sinking into the plush cushion as she faced him. In her hands was a small bag, a simple snack for the boy if he happened to be hungry. It was around the time she ate lunch, but she was too focused on taking care of him than herself.

He pushed himself up slightly, wanting to actually be able to see her in not such an awkward angle. Hiss face pulled up in pain as he practically dragged his body to sit up. She quickly stood back up and moved towards him, trying to make him as comfortable as possible.

She pulled the coffee table closer towards him, "You can rest your leg on here, so it doesn't touch the floor and, you know." He grimly nodded, his body hurting way more than he thought it would. She bit into her bottom lip and slowly wrapped her petite hands around his leg, stretching it out across the dark wood.

He flinched at the contact before beginning to relax into the cushion, a sigh emitting from his throat.

"Thank you," he continued to thank her for every little thing she did. He still felt like such a burden and it's only been about a day. He felt as if he were intruding. She smiled softly, this time sitting down beside him.

"Are you hungry?" She held up the bag out towards him, but she only frowned when he shook his head. She ate the snack herself instead, her eyes never leaving the boy.

Jungkook was too interested in looking around her small living room. She didn't bother to decorate it much. The couches were a dark shade of maroon, a small tv was placed on dark wood that matched the coffee table and a big dead plant was situated in the corner besides a bookshelf. The walls were a dull grey, not many pictures or anything hanging on the walls.

One picture on the wall caught his attention. It was a small picture that was taped to the wall beside the bookshelf. It was the only picture in the whole room.

It was taken with a Polaroid, and in the picture their was a couple. A girl's face was lit up, a smile practically from ear to ear. Her squinted eyes and short hair were easy to identify that it was Hyerin.

There was another person in the photo, a boy. He had an arm around her waist and a peace sign placed above her head. His cheek was pressed against her own, a boxed smile brightening his face and his eyes squeezed shut.

It was a simple but cute picture, and even if it were only a picture, it was noticeable how happy the two were. Or so he thought. It made him frown slightly, since it only reminded him of everything he thought he used to have.

"How's Taehyung?" He suddenly asked, dragging his gaze off the boy in the photo who he hasn't seen in quite a while. She looked away once his eyes wanted to meet hers again, her heart nearly plummeting at the sound of his name. 

She stared blankly at the coffee table, and Jungkook pursed his lip at her sudden change of behavior. She tried to stop the frown from growing on her face, but it was no use. He noticed her body tense, and the long pause that filled the air. He was able to easily piece the puzzle together, and he somewhat regretted asking such a question.

It was only a question due to curiosity, and she knew that so she tried to smile slightly at him, "Probably fine." She stiffly answered, her body shifting.

"Does he still live here?" He continued to ask questions that were only upsetting her, but he was curious.

"I don't know," her voice was dull, and her mind was now taken over by Taehyung. She wanted nothing more than to not think about him all that much. She missed him more than anything, and she hated talking about him.

"What do you me-"

"Please," she cut him off with an exhale, her frown deepening, along with Jungkook's, "I don't want to talk about him right now." Her sharp voice caused him to fall silent, a small nod of his head and the look of what seemed to be sympathy were the only things she got in reply.

"So," she slowly turned to look back at him, wanting to change the subject and rid of the silence, "Are you still with that one girl? What was her name? Sumin? Suhee?"

"Subin," his face now matched hers from before, his gaze dropping. Now he understood the reason she wouldn't answer the questions. His mouth was practically dry at just the sound of her name.

"How is she?" She repeated his question to her before.

"I'd rather not talk about her," he hissed, the thought of her causing such a mix of emotions. Everything did just happen yesterday after all.

Her mouth snapped closed at that, not even bothering to ask anything further. She understood and realized that not only she was in pain over something of that sort, but he was too. Yet she began to sympathize and worry about him more than she did herself.

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