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Liza's P.O.V.

"Sweetheart, are you sure about this? You can still rebuff on this offer if you know you'll get a hard time teaching that man." Mom said, sounding concern. Why me? Like... do i really have to tutor Kean?

"Yeah, mom. It's for his sake too. And... I actually owe something to him since I was a little girl. So maybe this is a good return." I assured her. Then we continued eating.

She then, said she'll wash the plates so I can go to bed early. And so I did.

After I got to my room. I immediately headed to my bed and snuggle my heart-shaped pillow as i ruffle around. Liza! You should be reviewing math right now so you'll know what you'll teach him with tomorrow! So don't get damned bored! I thought, still cuddling with my pillow.

Several minutes later. I stopped. Getting a little bit dizzy. Ow. I touched my head, trying to balance my vision. And later I succeed. I saw my phone placed at the table. And so i decided to call Blaze.

"Hey, bae." He started.

"Blaze... do you think I can do it?"

"Do what?"

"Oh pardon me. Um, earlier at the school. Remember when i told you to go ahead?" I recalled.

"Yeah, why?"

"Miss Carla told me to tutor Kean on math."

"Kean?" He sounded distraught. Not mentioning, he knows Kean. "But... he was the topnotcher in school. How could that happen?" He asked.

"I have no idea. Maybe... he's focusing on something else instead of study?"

"Hmm... I'm still not convince. Anyways, bae, I got good news!" He exclaimed, changing the subject.

"What's it?" I asked. As I grab my laptop from the table.

"It's Princess..." his voice filled with excitment.

"Your crush? What about her?" I stopped tammering with my laptop when I felt like I need to know about the news.

"Bae..." my heart pounded faster. "I'm courting Princess from now on!" I drowned in pain. No... but Blaze...

"Liza? You there? Hello?" Everything sinked in my mind.

"Huh? Uh, yes, yes." I stammered.

"Were you listening to me?" A tear fell into my eyes. Why am i even feeling like this? Why am I like this? I thought. "I said I'm courting Princess from now on. Aren't you happy for me?"

"Of course I am... Come on, Blaze. I'm your bestfriend. Why shouldn't I? You silly."

"But, you sound like you've been crying? Are you cold?" He asks. I quickly wiped off my tears.

"N-No... I'm good. I think I'd better go to sleep." I faked a yawn.

"Well, okay. But, are you sure you don't have any cold?"

"Of course. I'm okay. Bye, bae. Night." I ended the call as I leaned my back on the wall. All this time... I've loved him. Why didn't I noticed? It hurts so bad. I thought. Sure, I did. He's my bestfriend. We had so much experience with each other. Why couldn't I build up a feeling? How dumb I am.

I closed my eyes, hesitant for what's happening. I want him to be only mine. I'll sprawl to him in front of the crowd if I had to. It's never too late, they say. But, ugh, he's my bestfriend. I can't just stop him from doing what he wants. Your stupid, Liza. You're realizing things at uncertain time. My mind spoke. Stop it! You're not helping!

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