Chapter 1

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I woke up only to find my alarm clock ringing like hell. i snoozed it and like any normal teenager, went back to sleep. mum came into the room and said "Lara you need to get up now, you'll be late for school"
"its Sunday mum. No school today." i wished it but i knew what was coming.
"In your dreams hun, what do you want for breakfast?"
"whatever's there that i am capable of eating and that is edible.I don't want to make another trip to the hospital like last week."
"okay sweetie."
"yes pumpkin?"
"i love you"
"i love you too, now get up and ready for school already."
theres the mum i know.
>>>> A number of hours later <<<<
"Eminem! hey"
"LARA we missed you!"
the two crazy girls latched onto my arms and guided me to my English class.
>>>> 3 lessons later <<<<
*bell rings for lunch*
"don"t run class"
as if! if you wanted to sit on a decent table you had to get to the dining hall fast! eminem bagged the last table availiable and sat down to take their luches out.
A gang of snobby prefects walked by, looking at us as if we had committed a crime.
"sorry suckers, when teachers say don't run, you run especially at lunch!" i called after them resulting in a thousand hypothetic daggers being shot at me.
>>>> When i got home <<<<
"HEY LARA!" mum called from the kitchen
"HI MUM!" i replied
*walks into kitchen and sits down at the table expecting some really good news*
"sooooooooooooooooooooooo... what is the news?"
"i have decided to send you to another school in america"
"Exiting isn't it?"
"Lara you listen to me and you listen good." i had never heard my mother talk like this to me before.
"i'm listening"
"this school will educate you and it will get you a good degree and maybe even a PHD in something, i have pre-booked it so you can't back out of it."
"but what about eminem? and all my friends? what will i do without them?" i was now in hysterics just thinking about leaving England.
"they are going to Kingswood academy in town."
"ok so i'll possibly never___"
" but their school provides yearly trips to america so you are very lucky for them to have that."
"I'll go to this school then," my mum wiped away her serious face and found her happiest one. "but only on one condition."
"i HAVE to go shopping for new clothes and PJ's"
my mother burst out laughing
she managed to get some words out
"sure! i thought you would be like *puts on a gruff voice* no i am NOT going!"
"i actually might need a change in life"
"GREAT! then you can fly over tomorrow!"
"i better get packing then"
"ok hun"
"yes hun?"
"i love you"
"i love you too, now get that bum of yours in there and start packing"
yup, there she is!

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