V day special

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It's a V day special! So this has nothing to do with the story.... Well.... Kinda. This is not apart of the story.

One day Aphmau was at hot topic getting a poster of her Senpai. As she was leaving the store, she bumped into Garroth.

Garroth:"Oh, hello Aphmau."

Aphmau:"Hello Garroth."

He then notices the poster in her hand.

Garroth:"What's that?"

Aphmau:"Ah, poster of..... Pinkie Cake! Yeah, pinkie Cake!"

Garroth:"Oh, Zane has Pinkie Cake stuff all over his room."


Garroth:"Yes, you must come over sometime."

Aphmau looks down at her watch.

Aphmau:"Oh Irene! I got to go! See yah later, Garroth!"

She say, running off to another end of the mall.

When she reaches her destination, she sees Kawaii~Chan. She waves at her friend, and they head inside of a Japanese culture store.

Kawaii~Chan:"Kawaii~Chan is so excited to show Aphmau~Senpai one of her favorite animes!"

Aphmau:"It's nothing to weird is it?"

Kawaii~Chan:"Not at all!"


Le Time skip

We heard out of the store and go our separate ways.  I head to my favorite clothing store, when I bump into a table. Luckily, no one noticed me, or so I thought. Laurence then walks up to me.

Laurence:"Are you ok?"

Aphmau:"Please tell me you were the only one who saw that!"

Laurence:"I think so. But Aphmau..."

Aphmau:"But Laurence....."

Laurence:"Do you know what today is?"

Aphmau looks on her phone.

Aphmau:"Ah! It's Valentine's Day!"

Laurence:"I know you are in love with me, I'm just so hot!"

While he looks away, Aphmau grows an evil grin onto her face.

Aphmau:"Yes. You. Are. Super. Hot. How can I resist?"

Laurence:"To bad, you should have loved me while you have the chance, because.... I am in love with this table!"

Aphmau:"That's to bad, because I was going to ask that nun over there to marry us."

She points at a nun.

Laurence:"I was just kidding if you are going to marry me."

Aphmau:"To late, Laurence! I am now in love with this table! For it is to hot to handle!"

Laurence:"I saw it first!"

Then I hear a voice.

Dante:"What are you too doing?"

Aphmau:"Dante! Laurence is trying to steal my true love!"

Dante:"And who is your "True love"?"

Aphmau then hugs the Table.


Laurence then looks to his left to see a purple haired girl running his way.


Laurence:"Stay away from me Michi!"

Laurence then runs in the other detection.

Aphmau was laughing at the sight, when she turn to the direction  was standing, the blue haired girl was gone.

Aphmau then head to One final store, when she bumps into Aaron.

Aphmau:"Oh, hi Aaron."

She says a bit nervous.

Aaron:"Hey, Aphmau."

Aphmau:" So..."

Aaron then looks down at his watch.

Aaron:"It was nice bumping into you Aphmau, but I need to go."

Aphmau:"Oh, it was nice bumping into you too."

He then starts sprinting out of the store.

Aphmau:"Happy Valentines Day!"

He turns his head and smiles at the girl, making her blush.

Once Aphmau is done getting what she needs, she heads to Olive Garden. Once there, she notices a friend.


She calls from across the parking lot.

Zane notices the black haired girl waving like a maniac, and walks over to her.

Aphmau:"Hey Zane!"

Zane:"Hey, Aphmau."

Aphmau:"Are you here with anyone?"

Zane:"No, why?"

Aphmau then grabs his hand and pulls him inside of the restaurant.

Aphmau:"Table for two please!"

Host:"This way, please."

They sit down at there table and talk about their day.

Zane:"Garroth told you about my collection! I'm going to kill him!"

Aphmau:"I kinda already knew, I gave you a ton of Pinkie Cake stuff already."

Zane:"Oh. Yeah, I forgot you knew."

Aphmau:"Did you remember what I got you?"

Zane:"Of course!"

Then the Waitress comes up to their table.

Katelyn:"Sorry about your wai-Wait a minute! Since when are you two dating!"

Aphmau then thinks for a moment.

Aphmau:"I guess this DOES look like we are dating."

Zane:"Is that a bad thing?"

Aphmau then turns as red as tomato in spaghetti. (Becuz they are in Olive Garden)

(I got to wrap this up)

They spent the rest of their time there, talking and laughing. But once they left, Zane had a surprise for Aphmau.

Zane:"Aph, I need to show you something!"

He grabs her hands and runs over to his car. He then opens his trunk, making her eyes go big.

Aphmau:"Oh my Irene! You didn't have to do this!"

Zane:"I didn't know what kind of chocolates you liked, so I got everything."

Zane then kisses her.

AN: Just I little fluff you guys. Anyway, I hope you injoy this, and see yah again soon! Bye! And happy V day. Sadly I am alone... Again. But go have a nice time with yah Senpai/Bae. I'm just going to eat my Reese's my parents gave me. Maybe even catch up on some anime.

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