Chapter 2

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My mom comes in barging into my room, with chancla in hand. "Aphmau, get up! Get ready for school!" She yelled. I roll over and look at my clock and it 4:56 and the school is across the street. And school starts at 8:00. In other words, I was mad... I give my mother a death glare. But then she sends a mother glare at me. It's scary! I quickly into run to the bathroom to get a shower, not wanting to feel the wrath of my mother!

~~~~Le Time skip~~~~

It's 6:00 and I have gotten everything done and eaten my breakfast. So I get on my laptop and play Minecraft. I get on a creative server and someone with the name ZaneTheHighPriest asks me if he could help me finish my castle. I should have realized this dude was shady. 


Minecraft Chat Log

<ZaneTheHighPriest> "Want some help with that castle?

<Aphmau> "Sure, why not?"

<Aphmau> /Plot add ZaneTheHighPriest

We play for a while and actually built something decent. I was actually quite proud of it. Several people showed up just to look at it, we were little celebrities on this sever! I turn my back for one moment, that's all it took. All...It...took... I heard that sound of lit TNT... I wanted to punch my computer screen. For some reason, I thought I could hear his evil laughing

<Aphmau> "What the Heck! Why would you destroy your own work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

<ZaneTheHighPriest>"Because I can."

Then my mom comes into the room, with my lunch. "Aphmau! You need to head to school!" She said, tossing it to me. "Hold on, I have to give this jerk a piece of my mind!" I look and it says that coward got off! I huffed and slammed my laptop shut, and jumped off my bed. I grab the things I need for school. I ran downstairs, kissed my family goodbye, and opened the door. As I was walking to prison, I noticed to boys coming from the house next door. "Wasn't that the house Donna told me about?"I said to myself. One had blonde hair and blue eyes, He wasn't bad looking either. Definitely the guy she was talking about. But she didn't say anything about an emo nugget. They look at me and I quickly look away and pick up speed.

I head over to the main desk to pick up my schedule and locker combination. I search down the hallways until I find my locker. Luckily I got to school early, so I had time. I shove the things I won't need for a while, into the locker and slam it shut. I turn around and accidentally ran into a short Me'fwa! "Oweee! Why would Stranger~Chan hurt Kawaii~Chan?" She said in the most high pitched voice I ever heard in my life. Then again, Donna told me about Ms. Shellby, I believe it was. So maybe she might have her beat? 

I snap back into reality and help the poor girl up. "Oh my Irene! I am so sorry!" I said, trying to apologize. "I have gummy worms if that helps,"I said, pulling out of my bag. My little brother, Levin loves these things. "No! Kawaii~Chan forgives you. Kawaii~Chan doesn't want to take someone else's candy!" She said in the third person, interesting. "So... Why were you behind me?" I asked as she dusts off her pink dress. "Oh! Kawaii~Chan's locker is right there, She was going to wait for you before she opened it." She explained. "Oh! My bad!" I apologized.

"Say, Stranger~Chan doesn't happen to be a transfer from Pheonix drop, are you?" She asked e, with pig kitten eyes. "Um... Yeah, actually?" I said, not knowing how this might end. "PERFECT! Kawaii~Chan was supposed to show Aphmau~Senpai around the school!" She yelled excited. Some people noticed and started staring. "Well, this is embarrassing...." I mumble to myself, trying to hide my face.

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