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Happy Valentine's Day
Couldn't think of a better day to begin this wonderful journey!

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Happy reading.
Yours forever,

Love That Lasts Forever...
(2nd Edition - Revised & Updated


Today when I look into the mirror, I comprehend, how nerdy school girls can drastically transform into mature, independent women albeit a little bit of the geekiness left.

It all began, when I tried to explicitly name my own unusual behaviour as an upshot of the hormonal changes in the so called, overrated (atleast back then) 'thrilling teenage'.

Little did I know, that I'll be puting up an appearance in future, where the same unusual demeanor will be tagged as an 'outcome of being in LOVE'.

I knew for myself, that being a nerd, theoretically we are not allowed to talk to notorious boys, hang out with them, laugh on their jokes (regardless of them being hilarious) or create nuisance in the classroom, make fun about teachers and blah blah blah, shit.

So we tend to envy people who don't really have to bother whether they are going to be judged (as we predominantly are) if they get involved in any of the above mentioned. As a result, eventually, we nerds, try to exhibit an inclination to be acquainted with these admirably weird happy-go-lucky folks.

I, being one amongst the geek's squad, was stuck into an identical situation. Hence, I fleetingly felt the need to have somebody who could groom me a little, for me to experience things in life that I hadn't in the past 12 years!

And luckily I dint have to go on a quest, hunting for one.

It was someone from my own comrade!
A chap who launched a new chapter in my life.
Neither a buddy, nor an enemy!
Neither an intimate, nor an antagonist.
Um, may be just an angel!

Well, one cannot teach anybody anything. All that one can do is help them discover it within themselves.
And that's exactly what I was going to be up to!
Boy, it was no less than an adventure!

As I and 'my angel', tried to explore each other, we realised, besides the fact that we were poles apart, we could argue on anything and everything as well. We had much to talk on and talk about.
Well, being an introvert, conversing was never my forte but occasional chattering is something that every girl can easily indulge in.

We discussed our dissimilarities, tried to understand how two people can be so different and yet fascinate each other. Enthralling and bedazzling persisted and without much to our knowledge, sparks flew; sparks flew rightaway!

Yes, unimaginably they flew instantly without us realising the strong magnetism that brought us together.

The journey was not effortless and definitely not a 'chic-a-cherry cola', but it had its own charm...

Charm that was more than desirable and that which lasted always & forever, just like our love did...

Love That Lasts Forever...(2nd Edition-Revised and Updated)Where stories live. Discover now