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   I sat on my window sill, the morning rays of sun stinging my eyes. It was a place I liked to sleep a lot, holding my writing book in my grasp, and feeling the cold night air in all its serenity brush across my blushy cheeks and through my (H/c) hair. I gazed out the window to see snow, snow, and yet... more snow. Just great. I swung my legs from the sill, straightening my back and hopping off. With my book still in my grasp, I make my way downstairs, laying it on the cold, silvery granite counter top while I make some toast and orange juice. My parents were out for so long... they were going to take care of Oma and Opa until they got better, which meant, that I had no idea in hell when they were gonna come back. They had left about $ 100 on the counter, just to make sure I don't die from starvation. If it were up to me, I would be spending it all on Mc Donalds. But, I'm not up for bieng the size of a whale, so no thanks. I take a steady pace at eating, sipping the orange juice about every 3 bites and after finishing my food, I decided to get ready for a trip to the store,  taking my time to get ready to go out into the freezing cold. I put on some black leggings, a (f/c) tee shirt and some knee- high boots. I walk back downstairs , grabbing my coat from the closet, slipping it onto my shoulders and zipping it up, then putting my keys into my jacket pocket, opening the door and walking out to the store. I continued down the path that was cleared of snow, and I just, felt something watching me... it was broad daylight, and a really awkward feeling. But I shrugged it off, reassuring myself that it was nothing. But whatever that was, sure as hell wasn't 'fucking around', as they would say. It had a harsh ass one- track mind, and I learned that the hard way.

My arms were both full of groceries. One word. Heavy. Damn... I wish I had a cart or something. The day faded off very fast. It was already 7:00 pm, and it was so dark, only the street light could guide me to where I was going. I maintained balance until I heard a shuffle behind me. And just right then and there, I thought I was gonna die. I sped up my pace, digging my heels into the ice to make sure that I wouldn't slip and break my face, thick organic steam radiating from my mouth as my eyes averted behind me. I couldn't help but look. This was a mistake... because this guy, who was as quiet as a  mouse, was holding up a high caliber pistol to my back, his red eyes finally caught on me.

"Casualty number 75555. (Y/N) (L/N), Female, (height), (weight)." He mumbles with a deep voice, and a strong accent. I just stood there, frozen and afraid to move. "Ordered to be killed by Allen Jones." He said louder.

"Hey there... see... I- I think you got the wrong person, buddy. I don't know who this Allen Jones dude is, Soo..." I backed away from him slowly.

"One more step, I execute you by lethal injection and watch you rot from outside in. Take me with you or die."

"What in the bloody fuck does it matter, I'm gonna die anyway-"

" Do it." He growled.

"Alright, chill." I said as I just started to come up with a random idea. He cocks an eyebrow.


"...Nevermind. Follow me." I said as I lead him into a nearby wood, where I know that there was a shed house out there, it almost looks like Shrek ' s house. Nevermind that. I have the best idea, it can't fail.

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