-Can I trust him with my life?-

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His face was straight, not even a twitch of the lips to say something after my proposal to show the directions.
       "So, friend-"
       "I am not friend." He stated sternly, a spike in his voice making me jump.
       "Okay, okay..." I rolled my eyes, embarrassed that I couldn't make conversation with the man. He looked around, the wood thick and dense. He pressed his chest against my back, pressing something cold to my neck.
      "You think you can fool me? I am not dumb..."
                 As soon as he said that, I felt like fainting. I was sure this was going to work.
     "That's you saying that... I didn't say anything."
     "Take me to your real house. If you don't, I'll kill you right here on the spot, and trust me, I don't want to hurt you. One or the other, Ms (L/N). I don't mind any of the choices. I held my breath before nodding slightly, balling my fists up and growling.
      "Fine , you ungrateful bastard." I gritted my teeth. He replied with a grunt and buried the gun in the crook of my neck. He knew exactly where I lived, and he was gonna take me there, whether I wanted to show him or not. So we finally were walking in the middle of the street, he still had his gun to my neck, and I still maintained my shallow breathing, my eyes tithing every time he moved the gun. After a short time of walking, we had finally made it to my house, and he lowered the gun from my neck and stared at me as I stuck my hand in my pocket, fumbling around for my keys. He cocked an eyebrow and maintained a straight face.
         ".... Can you not stare at me , please?" I asked as I sighed, grabbing a hold of the keys. He rolled his eyes, and without blinking, he switches his glare to a nearby tree.
        "Don't even think of locking Me out, or I shoot hinges off of  door." He said, deadpanned.
        "Well, thanks for giving me ideas, I'll do that." I snickered sarcastically. He faced me, standing straighter and towering over my small figure, looking like he would rear up on me. I raised my hands in defense.
       "Alright! So you don't take sarcasm! That's fine!" My eyes widened. He grunted and narrowed his eyes on me.
      "Well, fuck you too..." I mumbled under my breath as  I rolled my eyes, putting the key in the key hole and turning it slowly, hearing a click and opening the door. He walked in oh- so disrespectfully,  like it was it was his house.
       "Cleaner than I thought,  I live here now." He said, his usual tone reeking of deadpan.
       "Ha ha, fuck no. Get out."
He stood tall, and I tried standing taller, failing miserably and falling victim to his perseverance. He wouldn't give up. Ugh...
He strolled to the sofa , where he sat cross- legged. " You think your staying here but I assure you... I don't even- ... look, I'm not freaking best Western hotel management."  I said. He began unbuttoning his coat.
"What do you think you're doi-.. Oh my god..."
and I just seemed to notice that there was a puncture wound near the abdomen.
      "Allen did this to me... jacked my truck, left me with file while I was passed out and- I have your file, it say I have to be killing you. I - I cannot do that. I cannot kill you. Without you, I have no one to go to, nowhere to be going. I- I'll die." He said, his eyes getting droopy. I was touched.
     "Okay, well maybe you shouldn't go around holding guns to people's heads, man. I thought you were gonna kill me. You could have just asked."  Okay, Maybe not that touched. He just shrugged and looked down at his blood soaked shirt.
     "I-I have to take care of that... Y-youll get like an infection or something." I stuttered. He nodded slowly, pulling he shirt or his head. Despite his toned and fixed chest, and to focus on the important fact that it was a secondary stab wound. I rushed to the kitchen where underneath the sink was a first aid kit that was just there. Like, we never had to use it, until now... He layed down on the floor, the wound opened and closed as he breathed, scaring the shit out of me. I walked over to him, kneeling  and opening the wound slightly and examining it, seeing if there was anything abnormal, and here wasn't. It was a very clean cut. I took my needle and steel thread out, dabbing the area with iodine before getting started on the stitches.

Pierce, cross, stitch, tie...

First stitch done with. He was hissing under his breath,  flexing everything, making it harder for me, and probably more painful for him.
     "Less tense please..." I gritted my teeth in concentration, to avoid a slip. He exhales deeply, loosening up a bit. Blood formed delta patterns down his lower abdomen,  trickling to the floor.

Drip, drip, drip...

After I completed 10 complete stitches with no casualties,  I dabbed the blood away with a damp cloth.
     "Thank you..." He said. His breath heavy and raspy.
      "Don't thank me for something had to be done." I sighed, picking him up from underneath the shoulders and hoisting him up gently, grabbing some gauze and fixing it over his wound, then taking some field dressing, wrapping around his mid section to his left shoulder.
     "There we go -" I looked down at his dog tags.
       Braginski, Viktor - Solivich
           Blood type; O +
            Rank: CDC
             Position: Assassin

  "Viktor." I sighed under my breath.

"Hm? " He replied.

"If you're gonna come into my house with an open wound in your chest," I said.

       "At least introduce yourself at some point, Viky."

     "Viky...?" He cocked an eyebrow.
     "Yes, Viky."

He chuckled, very cold heartedly,  but I smiled sort of, and he returned the friendly favor with the twitch of the corner of his mouth.

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