-stalking... is also an issue-

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I looked up at him, beaming brightly.
"I-... I did it!!" I smiled as I loosened my grip on him. He gave a warm smile, paired with a warm chuckle that completely melted my heart.
"You did do it, (Y/N). Now let's get going before you end up catching a cold, Da? " I nodded.
"Da..uh... I mean, yeah..!"
There was that chuckle again.
"Get going, then.."
I nodded, turning to walk for the door, turning the door handle. It was locked. My eyes widened as I tried over and over again to open it. Luck wasn't on my side, and sure enough, the robust russian and I were locked out. I slowly turned to him with a look of anger on my face as apposed to panic. He tilted his head in confusion.
"What's wrong..?"
My eyebrows furrowed as I clenched my fists.
"I'll damnwell tell you what's wrong, you locked us out! And now the dog is locked in there alone! That's what's wrong, Moron!"
"Hey that's not nice, Calm down. I will find way."
"Of course I wont be nice to you, you... you-...."
"(Y/N). Calm down. "
"Shut up! Just shut the hell up! I'm cold.. and-.. and I'm wet... I'm hungry.." He rolls his eyes, approaching the door, pushing me out of the way gently, getting ahold of the door handle, turning it, and opening the door.
"Wow... I must be magic.." He smirks.
"Hehe... oh your soooo funny.." I said sarcastically.
"I know that I am... I even crack myself up sometimes.."
"Comes to show how lonely you are."
"Lonely..." He turned to look back at me. "Am I really lonely..? I mean, you're here and-"
"Shut up. That doesn't mean jack. I just feel bad for you, that's all."
"Hm." He huffs, still smirking. "Alright."


Completely freezing, and smelling of outside and Viktor, (mostly Viktor,) I figured I would take ashower, because why not?
I turned the water on, making it sorta hot. Steam already began to fill the bathroom. I set my towel down on the counter, stripping myself of my clothing, entering the shower and feeling the water trail down my back, making me shiver a bit. I just began to think of Viktor again. He did a favor for me. And yet I just seem to have issues with everything he does for me. I began to hum a soft tune to myself as I began to wash my hair, my humming turning into a sung melody as I swayed my hips to the beat.
'Come on get higher,
Loosen my lips,
The faith and desire,
And the swing of your hips,
Pull me down hard, and drown me in love~'

The song to me was so beautiful, I don't even know why I like it so much. I just heard it on the radio on day, and I kept it in my head, from then on , it just stuck with me.

I just loved it.

As I continued to sing the song, I began to rinse my hair, and myself, clean of soap, wringing my (h/c) hair out and letting it fall to my shoulders again, turning off the water and opening the shower curtains, stepping out and reaching for my towel on the bathroom counter.


As I finished doing my hair up, I had forgotten to bring a pair of clothes in with me, so I had to go fast like sanic to get my clothing, wrapping the towel around my chest. I opened the door up, looking down at my feet, walking out and walking into something... tall... and smells of lavender and rain water, scaring me making me drop my towel.
"Fuck , Viktor!! You freaking perv, man!" I squealed as I picked my towel up and running to my room and slamming my door. The last thing I saw was his face, pink tinted in his cheeks as he had coered his eyes. I leaned against my door, he was mumblin te same thing over and over again. "I'm sorry."
"You know what ..? At this point... I'm not even suprised you were-"
"You have a lovely voice, (Y/N). I wanted to hear more, but I didn't think-"
"You never think, Viktor- wait.... what..?" I huffed, getting dressed.
"Your voice sounds very sweet." He says again.
"Thank you... Don't think just because you're complimenting me, im gonna be all flattered and forgive you so easily. Hell no.You aren't off the hook yet."
"I said I was sorry."
"And I heard you loud and clear, Viky. Loud and clear."
Finally all dressed up in a (f/c) tank top and some black leggings, I opened the door looking up at him.
He was gone before I could open my mouth and say anything. I made my way down the stairs, spotting him on the couch, hanging upside down with his arms crossed over his chest.
"Just what do you think you're doing?"
"Blood rushing to the head has a nice feel to it, I like to hang uside down." He said, completely monotone.
"Stop acting like a moron , Viktor, or that won't be the only thing with blood rushing to it." I growled. He looked up at me with his droopy maroon, still upside down.
"Just know that I've seen bunnies more scarier than you." He sighed. I sat down on the floor in front of him, smiling sweetly.
"Really..? Let me show you something.." I grabbed is face roughly, my eyes narrowing on his. His eyes widened.
"Can bunnies do this..?~" . My dog climbed onto the couch, using her hind leg to push Viktor off of the couch , making him fall over face flat. I just sat there and laughed, and the dog seemed to be enjoying her time, too nice and snuggled up, taking uo the whole couch. Viktor grunted and looked up at me, his face as neutral as ever.
"You're unbelievable..."
"No, Viky," I caught my breath as I booped his nose.
"You are.~"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2016 ⏰

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