Chapter 1

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If anyone is reading this I'm sorry it's probably really bad. If you have any ideas for the name please, I'm welcome to suggestions. Thanks. -Xomolly

My breath caught in my raw, dry throat as I stared into his dark, soulless eyes. The murderous gaze of the man before me burned holes through my flesh, making my blood run ice cold. He studied my petrified features with a degrading glare. An accomplished expression graced his visage as he ridiculed the helpless disarray I'd become.
Ebony locks framed the psychotic smirk that overlay his cast, baring his teeth as he sneered.
The smokey rings of black that clouded around his merciless eyes contrasted his ghostly, sallow skin.
His sharp cheek bones protruded from the pale sheet stretched taut over his face like the blade he pierced through my heart.

*  *  *

That was my last memory of him. Well, it was my last memory ever. The last thing I remember before I was sucked into this never ending nothingness. All that's left to see when I close my eyes are endless night skies, infinite darkness.
I can't feel anything anymore yet I feel every emotion all at once, every sense is overwhelmed when I see him again. Sadness, heartbreak, betrayal, loneliness. Pain. Every time I see his face replayed over and over in my head. Memories reshowing and rewinding consistently like a song on loop.
Being trapped in this tedious oblivion has really given me time to reflect on what my life became.
How did I get here?
There's only one thing I know that changed everything, when my life turned into an irreversible predicament. When my eyes caught sight of the gorgeous man with the fire truck hair, my life was never the same.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2016 ⏰

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