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Dear diary,

Alright, let's do this

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Alright, let's do this. Today is the first day of the spring semester and I'm going to fucking get Jongdae to talk to me about what happened today.

Because, honestly, this is not fair. I deserve some explanation for that kiss attack! I'm done, he's not going to get my heart to flutter like that and then walk away with nothing.

... I'm back from campus.

He surprised me.

Like, very first day, me walking to my second class, the one we shared first together, I saw him, but I wasn't expecting a thing. He was slightly dressed up... Like an upgrade to his typical shirts and jeans. He wore a flannel button up with black jeans with vans to match. I swear my heart leapt at the sight of him. But that wasn't it, he was holding a rose. Not a typical red rose, but salmon in color.

He... gave it to me. He told me he was sorry for the times he hasn't replied and sorry for the lack of an explanation.

He told me the salmon colored rose meant.


Because and I quote "he desired to take me out on a date."

I still can't believe it. This boy had dressed up and gave me a flower on our first day back from winter break. Before I could scream at him for all the bullshit he pulled, he explained the reason why he hasn't gotten back to me until now.

Apparently, at the Blizzard Show before break, he and Wendy had agreed to take a break from their relationship. That would explain why she was crying when she came out of the room. They said that they should keep this up until the end of break, and talk about it then.

But then I confessed.

He said that he always had something for me but didn't want to be that one guy to break off a relationship so sudden to run to another girl. But he and Wendy had talked and I was brought up into conversation by her.

Wendy knew.

And she said to go for it.

And here we are.

So... Jongdae and I are going to our first date this weekend.

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