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Dear diary,

I ended up hanging out with Baekhyun and Chanyeol with Jongdae today. They said as an apology for spreading the news of us, they would treat me lunch. I was reluctant, because I barely knew the two, why would I make them buy for me? But then again... Free lunch. And Jongdae finally got me to agree.

So the four of us went to the campus's sushi place, the very place I first met the two dorks. They made the lunch very fun to be honest. They were silly and stupid but they make for great conversation. I found myself joking around as bad as they did, even the dirty jokes. The three beagles (idk why they remind me of beagles) almost didn't believe the words that came out of my mouth. I couldn't stop laughing at that point.

But then, Baekhyun said "Man, you're already far better than Wendy!"

Chanyeol had to smack him at the back of his head for the comment. I felt a little awkward with her name mentioned but I defended her nonetheless, saying that she's really cool to hang with. I looked at Jongdae to see the stone hard look on his face. However, when he saw me looking at him, he shot me one of his dazzling smiles.

Of course it's going to be a little awkward at first. I knew that. But I do have a bad feeling about something.

P.S. I should also add this before I sleep. Jongin had been talking to one company that caught both his and Taemin's attention. All of a sudden, he comes to me, requesting that I start calling him Kai, the "stage" name the company gave him. And they shortened Taemin's name to Tae.

Kai and Tae?

HA where did that shit come from?

If that hoe thinks I'm going to start calling him by that name, he got another thing coming.

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