Chapter Two

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Waking up the next morning I groaned,realizing I started at my new school today. I went into the bathroom and did my business and then washed my face and brushed my teeth. I pulled my hair into a ponytail after brushing it out and applied foundation to my bruised skin. Surprising how much makeup can hide things. I slipped on a pair of dark jeans, a black tank top, and a navy blue hoodie. On my way out I grabbed my bag and stuffed my socked feet into clack converse.

I fixed Greg a quick breakfast of scrabbled eggs and hash browns, grabbing a yogurt bar for myself. I stuffed my headphones into my ears and listened to Everybody Talks by Neon Trees. Yesterday while shopping I had scoped out where the new school was. It was surprising when I found out it was about a five minute walk away from 'home'. The song changed to The A Team by Ed Sheeran.

Looking up I saw the school gates ahead. I sighed, already not liking it. As soon as I was on campus I looked for the front office. I looked around for a while, still not finding it. A bell rang and students flooded the hallways.

Damn, first day and I'm already late. I know, great first impression, right? I finally found the office (though it was clearly NOT in the front of the school) and went in. I walked up to the receptionist.

"Hi.... I'm new here. Could I get my schedule miss?" I asked. "Sure dear, let me just get them for you," she opened a drawer and looked through it for a few seconds before taking out a folder. " Samantha Bursche?"

I nodded to confirm that and she handed me the folder "Here you go!" She smiled with warm eyes.

"Thanks," I softly whispered back.

Hmmm.... I looked at my classes.






World History





I sighed. At least there was art. I absolutely love drawing, but I never got around to actually buying supplies for it. I just sketched whenever I could here and there. Well, looks like its off to calculus. Hoorah! Feel free to notice the sarcasm.

I found my class and knocked, not knowing if I should go in or not. "Come in!" Someone shouted. I slowly turned the handle and stepped in. I walked towards the desk in the front where a man sat in a chair. I handed him the slip and whispered," I'm Samantha, I'm the new student," hoping no one would notice. But of coarse everyone just had to stare.

I could have sworn some of them sniffed the air! Creepy.

Then the teacher had to make things worse by going all,"Ah, yes. I'm Mr. Rodriguez. Why don't you introduce yourself?"

I looked at the people in front of me.

"Uhm, hi. I'm Samantha. I just moved here," after that I looked towards the teacher expectantly.

"You can sit in any free spot," he shrugged. I sat in the middle of the room next to a nice looking girl.

I could have sworn she sniffed the air and stiffened. She turned around," Hey I'm Bridget!" I just stared at her blankly. I wasn't about to start getting attached to anyone! Just then, the door slammed open. I looked up to the most amazing smell ever. It was like the ocean, but with a spicy, woodsy hint to it. I didn't even know how I was smelling this! I looked up and I swear my heart just skipped a beat. The man in the doorway was wearing low slung jeans and a v neck, showing his six pack. He had pitch black hair, and these amazing forest green eyes. When the hell did I care what other people wore? But the moment my eyes met his it was like everyone else had suddenly disappeared and it was only us two. For a split second I saw longing in his eyes, but it vanished just as soon as it was there. He glared at me, and I took that opportunity to look away.

He just sauntered over to the seat behind me it was then that I noticed he had two other guys with him. I sighed and closed my ey- Hold this shit! Did really just appear twenty minutes late, and the teacher didn't even say NOTHING!! Damn, maybe this was one those cliché things where he really did rule this school, teachers and all. I could just feel all the damn stares people were giving.

Fine then. I put my headphones on and listened to music for the rest of that period. When the bell rang I hightailed it out of there.


••••• Asher's Pov•••••


Damn! I had a killer headache from last night, and my alarm wasn't helping anything. Reluctantly I took a shower and changed into jeans and a v-neck. In the kitchen, I saw my mom making breakfast as usual. "Good morning," I muttered.

"Morning Ash!" She chirped. God, I loved her and all, but how could someone be so happy in the morning?

She set down a plate piled high with eggs, bacon, sausage links, pancakes, and hash browns. I wolfed it down, then went into the garage and found my beta and third in command waiting. We had been around each other since the diaper days; we were the best of friends.

"So, I hear there's a new chick today," Brandon brought up. Really? Well that was news. I smirked. "How much do you wanna bet I have her within a week?" Yeah, I'm a player. Get over it. It's not like I'm going to let one girl tie me down; not even my mate, that is if I find her.

"I already called dibs though!" Tyler whined. "Who's the Alpha?" I questioned while sliding into my silver Lamborghini Veneno. I laughed while he mumbled something that sounded suspiciously like 'Alpha my ass'.

"Yeah, yeah just get in the car."


######## At School ########


When we finally arrived at school, I sniffed the air and couldn't help but go stiff at the delicious scent the wind carried. It smelt like blueberries and pomegranate, a heavenly combination in my opinion.

"Hey, of you guys smell that? It's like.. Like pomegranates.... And blueberries!" Whatever it is, it's driving my wolf crazy! They just looked at me like I was crazy.

I hopped out of my car and followed the new scent to try and calm my wolf. I followed it to calculus, also my first period class. How convenient. I threw the door open and immediately located the source of the mouthwatering smell. My eyes took in a small looking girl sitting next to a girl from my pack. She was wearing jeans and a large hoodie, as if to hide herself, or something. Then she raised her eyes to meet mine. 'Mate!' my wolf howled inside my head. I could swear everyone and everything else disappeared leaving me staring into her blue eyes, if they could be counted as that. What bothered me was the fact that they looked hollow and dead, as if her soul was long gone. I growled at the thought of what she went through, before realizing what I was doing and glaring at her. Like I said, I'm not one to be tied down by one girl even if she is my mate.

Or am I?




Hello guys! It's been a little bit I know but I just barely finished this. I really want to know your input on this so feel free to comment vote and follow!!!

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