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Beginning of the End

"Miyoungie." Halmuni happily hummed towards the brunette. The woman turned her head and smiled at the elderly.

"Yes, halmuni?" She was expecting the older to ask the question sooner or later. With all the signs and symptoms she was trying to hide, the elder woman was keener to squeeze the truth out of her.

"When will you tell Taeyeon and I the good news?" She grinned at the younger, her eyes mischievously probing.

Miyoung blushed and her eyes were slits again. A big smile was painted in her face. "What do you mean, halmuni?" She was going to stay focused. She promised herself to tell Taeyeon on their ninth monthsary date and she knew that if she tells halmuni now, the older might give hints to her grandchild. She's going to be too happy and Taeyeon can't know it. It's a surprise only she can give.

"Still playing hard, huh?" The older woman chortled. "I'm happy for the both of you nonetheless." She gave Miyoung a loving tap on the back. "Congratulations." She was still beaming. "Miyounga" She called tenderly.

"Yes, halmuni?" Miyoung retorted, a little confused at the change of tone coming from the elderly.

"I don't know how to tell you this or how I can ever make it up to you for what you've done. But...thank you for loving Taeyeon. Thank you for being there with him and for him. He's not the perfect man. He's mostly childish and quite naughty at times. But he's my grandchild and I love him very much." The older took the younger's hand into hers and gave it a pat. "You can't possibly imagine how happy I was when you came to our house. I was really worried no one would marry that silly little boy. We were but a poor household. And I thought the world would shun us for that. But then, there was you. And I'm really glad you were the one sent for him. Thank you. Thank you very much."

Miyoung was surprised at their grandma's words. She didn't expect her to be this sentimental. "I should be the one grateful to you, halmuni. Thank you for raising Taeyeon to be what he is. Yes, he's childish...and I don't even want to detail out how naughty he is...but I love him. I love him so much. He's my happiness and being with him makes me alive." Miyoung tenderly thought of her husband while giving a light rub on her tummy. "There's no need to thank me. It was my pleasure after all. But..." She was now the one grinning mischievously. "Now I know where Taeyeon got all her cheesiness, halmuni." She giggled. And the older joined her in a laugh while giving the younger a warm hug.

"Go now, Taeyeon's waiting for you. He said he wanted to buy you something after your deal is over. I hope you get a good transaction, dear. Hahaha. You always do." The grandma chuckled. "Sometimes, I think if you two were just given a good amount of capital, you would shake even the business tycoons out there. You two are a good mix."

"We just do what we can, halmuni." Miyoung gave her famous eye-smile. "Gotta go."

And the brunette went to her husband.


"Seriously...Miyoungie, did you decide to be the next Sooyoung?" Taeyeon stared in wonder at his wife's gluttony. It was her fifth bowl of ramen and she was going to order for the sixth. Taeyeon wiped the sauce off her cheeks.

"I'm just hungry." Miyoung pouted.

"Ahahaha. I don't mind you getting fat. I'd still love you even if you'll become a whale. But I worry that we won't have enough savings because you spent all our profits on these foods." He leaned on his arm, leering playfully at his wife.

"Don't worry. I already computed the revenues. We have enough for the coming winter and I can still order my next bowl. I want some dimsum now." She opened the menu to choose what dimsum she would like next.

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