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Hunter is still holding onto me while Marcus is in front of us being as possessive as ever. Hunter does not allow him to get near me.

"Let her go if you want to leave here with both your arms," his face reddens in anger as Hunter makes no motion of letting me go.

"You have no right to tell me anything, mutt. You're not worthy of calling her your mate so I suggest you back off." Marcus trembles in front of us and Hunter pulls me behind him protectively.

I open my mouth to say something but the air rushing through me stops me. The auburn haired girl rushes me and I hit the ground hard. She is protecting what is hers and that is Marcus.

Let me sink my teeth into her.

Marcus shifts before Hunter but Hunter is quicker than him as he has his paws hitting the ground at the same time as Marcus.

I get off the ground quickly followed by the girl. "What the hell is your problem?" I seethe at her.

"He's mine!" She snaps her teeth at me.

"You can have him," my wolf and I say in unison.

"Bitch, you better back off." She swings aiming at my face I block her with my forearm and my fist shoots straight at her face. She takes a step back and looks at me as slow flow of blood comes down her nose.

"I'm not fighting over someone who isn't worth my time." I snap at her but she seems to be seeing red. She runs at me once again I am agile I turn to the side and as she runs pass me I crouch down and sweep my leg under her sending the girl flying. Her face crashes hard against the ground.

I turn to look at Hunter as he snaps at Marcus. Hunter is gaining ground making Marcus retreat back with his pack. I notice that Marcus is limping from his hind leg and that Hunter is bleeding from his shoulder.

"I want you off my land at once." Andrew has my back with the girl. He is watching her like a hawk. If she tries to come near me she has him to handle before she gets to me.

The girl gets up and dusts herself off and walks cautiously back to her pack members. Marcus is there still in wolf form. Hunter is by my side as well a low rumble leaving his chest. Hunter's fur brushes my side and Marcus' eyes catch the small gesture and they narrow on me.

"Go to the pack house. The pack is ready to come out and destroy them," Andrew says. I turn to run back but Hunter growls stopping me. He lowers to the ground.

He wants you to ride him.

On any other day my wolf would have cracked a joke about that but at the moment she is very numb. I look at Andrew and he shrugs. I climb over him and Hunter takes off. Running through the forest Hunter runs really fast as if the hounds of hell were after him. My fingers grip his fur tightly and if it hurts him he does not complaining.

Hunter skids to a stop in front of the way pack house. I jump off and the entire pack is out, every single one of them. The men are ready to run into the forest.

"Stop! We already handled the situation." I yell to them trying to make everyone hear me at the same time.

"We heard that your mate was amongst them. We thought it was going to be a war," a muscular young male says.

A growl rumbles in my chest at the mention of my mate. "At the moment the situation is handled, but if they come here seeking a fight that's what they are going to get with or without my mate. He is dead to me." The silence hits me like a train.

The young male and before me brings his hands up and start clapping more people follow until there is a round of applause throughout the pack.

Andrew pounces on me from behind. "You

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