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The knocking on my door wakes me up and Hunter groans. "Can't Andrew stop bugging for just a moment."

I bury my face in his chest as I laugh. Breathing in his scent I cannot image waking up in a bad mood with him around, "I need to get ready we've slept in really late." I look into his golden eyes and he look down at me.

"Fine," Hunter allows me get out of bed and he goes to his bedroom. Apparently Ken went back home to tell his pack what happen. His pack needs to be informed about their alpha and I know that Hunter is going to have to make an appearance with them soon.

After my shower I dress into some dark jeans, white pullover, and black beanie. I get out of my bedroom and Hunter is waiting for me in the hall. Hunter smiles when our eyes meet and my breath hitches. He waited for me.

"So," he shrugs shyly and then chuckles at himself which makes me laugh.


"I'm going to have to head home later today." I know.

"Oh, okay."

We knew he was going to go back home sometime but that does not mean it hurts less.

"Come on let's have some fun," he beams at me taking me out of my conversation with my wolf.

"Fun?" I narrow my eyes at him and he does the same making me bite back a chuckle.

"You'll see!" His hand wraps around mine and he pulls me down the hall.

Running through the trees my hair whips behind me. My legs extend further making me run faster.

My breathing is all I hear since I am not use to running in my human form. Hunter wanted to play 'tag' and I commented that there is no way he would be able to find me in the forest. He accepted and now I am running as if the devil himself was chasing me.

I stop for a moment to catch my breath my hand resting on a tree as I try to calm my breathing when a branch snaps.


I push myself a way from the tree and run again. My side feels as if a knife were stabbing it. My lungs are screaming but I cannot let him find me. Running through the trees the birds take off from the left I turn to look when my body crashes hard against something.

All the air within me is pushed out as I go crashing down landing on a lump of flesh, his body steaming from the cold air and his body heat radiating off of him warms my hands.

"Found you!" He grins at me. I am on top of him and he has a triumphant look on his face.

"Beginners luck," I roll my eyes. When I hit the ground my beanie went lower down covering my eyes a bit. Hunter pushes it up away from my eyes and stares deep into them. My heart reacts to his closeness. His fingers brush my hair away from my face.

"Are you cold or blushing?" His thumb skims my cheek if I was not blushing before I am probably blushing now.

"Cold," I say too fast that he probably would not believe me.

He blinks slowly as if not wanting me to disappear. "Can I tell you something?" I just stare into his eyes, "you've made me feel the most alive than ever but you've also made me feel the most scared, angry, and hurt as well...other than with Haley but it is different with you."

Where is he going with this?

"How?" Is all I say not sure if I could say anything else.

"You've manage to bring me closer to my wolf than anyone pulling me out of my own hell. Being by your side I know I can be myself which no one has done after you know. Melany, you've made me almost have a heart attack before I was even thirty when the rogue was tracking you and I barely met you. Angry when you went to see Marcus by yourself and hurt when you can practically kicked me out of the house."

"And we've only known each other for less than a week, imagine in a month."

"A year." He contradicts me. He wants to know me longer.

"There is never a dull moment with me." He gives me a small smile.


The sky is darkening and I know it is time for him to go home. "I want you to take one of our cars back to your pack. I don't want you to run over there." I want him to get there safe and sound.

He contemplates it for a moment, "if it makes you happy." I get off of him and I help him get up. "Come on let's get going." Hunter hand shoots out and grabs mine and it is a natural feeling. His fingers intertwine with mine I look at our hands and he looks at me as if waiting for me to shake him off.

When I do not he smile hugely and we walk back to the pack house.

Andrew, get my Jeep ready.


Hunter is taking it.

He's leaving already?


Okay then.

We walk in silence Hunter seems lost in his thoughts. We make it to the pack house Andrew is outside waiting for us the keys in his hands. Hunter looks at me with arch eyebrow.

"It's mine I want you to take it." I shrug as if it is nothing but the Jeep is my most price possession and I am trusting it with him.


"Well I guess this is goodbye." My throats dry so it comes out a whisper.

"More like see you later," he releases my hand and suddenly I feel empty. He stares at me for a second and then I am engulfed in a hug. "See you soon." He releases me bit and in a quick movement his warm lips crash down to my forehead. The warmth his gives me travels all the way down to my toes and I take in his scent my lungs feeling as full as ever. I try to get as much of him in my system before he leaves. "Take care," he mumbles against my skin and I do not want to let him go.

A lump in my throat starts forming, "you too." He pushes himself away and starts walking away. "Take care of my car," he turns and gives me a weak smile, "especially of the person inside of it," his eyes widen. Especially of you Hunter take care of yourself.

"Oh what the hell," Hunter comes running back and my eyes widen at his actions as his arms wrap around me lifting me off the ground. "I've wanted to do this for a while." He sets me down and his hands go to my face holding me in place. His face closes in and his lips connect with mine.

My wolf is pouncing with joy with in. My hand raise up to his face and raise up in my tiptoes kissing him back as well.

His soft and warm lips claim mine. My wolf howls with joy. He moves with me but quickly cuts it short.

"I need to go or else I'll never leave." I swallow and nod but there nothing that is really registering in my mind. He kissed me and that is all that I can think of at the moment.

"I'll be back soon." Hunter's hand caresses my cheek and then he abruptly turns around and runs to the car as I stare at him. He jumps in and takes off. The tears come streaming down face the jeep disappears into the trees. My wolf wants to run after him to make sure that he gets home safe but I know that I just want to be by his side. Andrew comes and gives me a comforting hug from behind like a brother telling you that your parents are coming home when they leave for a couple hours and you fear that they have abandoned you.

"I'll give him that, he is sly." I turn to look at him questionably and he just smiles, "He took your beanie." My hand goes to my head and all it grasps is hair.

"He took my beanie!" I laugh.

He makes you smile through your sadness.

That he does.

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