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"What's the matter?" Hunter pulls closer to him as I heave and try to control my emotions. This stupid guy has too much power over me the only people that have made me cry has been Marcus and my father.

"I h-h-hate him," I stutter into his chest and he kisses the top of my head. I can feel my emotions drifting away from me with his touch.

"Storm," he sighs and I nod. "Come on we're going home right now," Hunter lifts up my chin to look at him. "Pack your stuff this is worse than I thought!"

"N-n-no," I shake my head vigorously, "I need to show him how a pack is meant to be run. He's just a monster." I pull away from Hunter and bury my face into the pillow. I do not want him to take my feelings away I want them to fuel me when I see him again.

"Melany, listen he is the alpha and we can't let him get under our skin. What did he do now that made you like this?" Hunter hovers over me trying to make me open up.

"He punishes his omega because he helped me out. He is a dictator." I scream into the pillow making my voice muffled.

"I know a shorter version of that word that would fit him perfectly," my sobbing laughter makes him grin I do not have to look at him to know that I can sense it on him.

There is a knock at the door. "Yes," Hunter responses.

The door opens and I see the butler. "Breakfast is served. Both your betas are down already," the butler turns on his heels and walks out.

"Come then let's get some breakfast." Hunter takes a shower and then I do. We both dress casual. I make a side braid while he sports his usual messy hair. We are both wearing jeans, he has a black v cut shirt I on the other hand have a black long sleeve, and I wear my black and white vans as he wears his black and white converse. Hunter is happy that we are matching. He takes my hand as we walk down the hall. There are people talking in the hall and they stare and talk, making it painfully obvious that they are talking about us but Hunter takes my mind off of them. He swings our hands playfully as I look over at him.

We enter the dining hall. Andrew and Ken are sitting in the middle of the table. My eyes dart to towards the front and Angie is serving Andrew. "Where's Blondie?" I ask Ken when we reach them.

Ken narrows his eyes and looks away from me as if he did not hear me.

He caught her making out with a waiter.


Andrew nods and looks over at Angie.

"Sit down I'll serve you." I tell Hunter and he mouths a thanks.

I walk towards the buffet table. There are so many options. Eggs, bacon, waffles, pancakes, sausage, fruit, biscuit and gravy, Danish, and much more I grab two plates on Hunter's plate I give him eggs, pancakes, and bacon. I know he likes that. I grab some biscuit and gravy and some bacon for me. I take our plates to our table and then head back to get our beverages.

I'm not sure how Hunter takes his coffee so I serve the both of us some orange juice. The sound of more people entering echoes in the giant hall. I turn and the condensation on the glass would be a reason for the cups to slip out of my fingers but it is not that. Derek walks in with Zeke on his right and Calvin on his left. The glasses break at my feet as the juice and coffee splatters everywhere.

"Oh my god," the words rush out of me.

That asshole!

My wolf wants to go after Derek. Calvin's lip is busted and his cheek is bruised. The worse of it is his eye it is swell shut and it appears that he is not healing. Calvin's face lifts a bit at the noise and his eyes catches mine.

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