Chapter One: A Talking Asteroid..?!

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(Art by rivertimeline)
(This will be a Pacifist Run; I may do a second story off the Genocide Run. Coming Soon? Maybe. Eh, don't count on it.)
(Also F/C means Favourite Color)

You woke in the pilot's seat of your ship, airbag in your face. You reached and finally found the button to shut it off, pressing it. You remembered what happened. You went to visit the Ebbot Quadron, proving the myth of everyone entering that zone never returning, to be false. As soon as you reached the zone, however, your ship was running out of fuel, fast. You hadn't had another fuel tank, as you used it on you last trip. The landing sequence started, but stopped, because the ground wasn't smooth enough to land on, and there was no landing pad here. You were crashing down, and entered a cave, Mt. Ebbot's cave, and crashed. You must have blacked out. You unbuckled your seatbelt, and went into your bedroom to grab the backpack of stuff you had. General things like food, clothes, a spacesuit, a brush, a toothbrush, etc. You swung your bag over your shoulder, put on your jetpack over it, and started walking. You entered an empty doorway to find an asteroid..? No, it was a flower, inhabiting an asteroid.

"Howdy!" It said. You screamed. "Woah calm down there, pal. Ever seen a talking flower before?" "..N-No." "Well, I'm Flowey. Flowey the Flower. "Nice name." You said to yourself. "Hmm. You're new to the Quadron, aren'tcha?" He asked. "Y-Yeah.." You stammered. "Golly, you must be soooo confused!" "Yeah, I kinda am.." You responded nervously. "Someone ought to teach you how things work around here!" What a nice flower. But, even through his kindness, something felt off about him...

You looked down to see your entire body was transparent, exept for a small (F/C) heart in the middle. You looked around. You were trapped in some sort of white box. You screamed, but no sound came out. "See that heart?" Flowey said beaming. "NO SHIT SHERLOCK!" You shouted. No sound came out. Flowey must have read your lips, and replied: "Woah, let me explain before you verbally murder me! That heart is your SOUL, the verrrrry culmination of your being! Your SOUL starts off small, but can grow if you gain a lot of LV." "Wha-" He completely ignored you and replied: "What's LV stand for? Why, LOVE, of course!" You had the feeling he was lying... You were very good at telling when someone lied to you, much less right to your face, so you went with your gut.

He winked at you, and like in cartoons, a small star was in his eye. You couldn't help but hold back a laugh. "You want some love, don't you? I'll share some with you! Here, LOVE is shared through...." He paused, as if he was thinking of something to say. "Little white... "Friendliness Pellets"" The "Friendliness Pellets" surrounded him. You didn't trust those "Pellets"... "Move around! Get as many as you can!" You sure as hell didn't trust that flower.

"Is this a joke?! Are you BRAINDEAD?! RUN. INTO. THE. BULLETS!" He screamed at you, sending chills down your spine. You had dodged his two "Friendliness Pellet" showers before, and the cheerful music in your head had faded away in a super creepy manor. He quickly realized what he had said, and nervously stuttered "I-I mean... "Friendliness Pellets".. Yeah, run into the... "Friendliness Pellets".." He said nervously. "lolnope" You said, smiling just a bit. "I am NOT running into any bullets, pal." You said, confidently. You even puffed out your chest to be intimidating. His gaze suddenly changed, and you regretted even saying anything.

"YoU kNoW WhAt'S gOiNg On hErE, DoN't yOu..?" He looked like he was empty inside. You had no idea what he meant by "knowing what's going on here" but you had a feeling you would find out soon. "yOu JuSt wAnTeD To sEe Me sUfFeR." He looked almost... Soulless.

He surrounded you in a circle of bullets. You sat down and clucthed your knees, crying. Somehow, the bullets passed right through your body, but were nearing your heart, or soul.

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