Chapter Five - Welcome To California (Skyler)

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I extended the handle to my purple suitcase, so I could roll it around. As I exited the airport, a burst of heat pounded against me skin's membrane. You know, I wasn't thinking that California would be this hot. Sighing, I walked over to my all-too-familiar cousin, Drew. He stood outside of his black truck, which had surfboards in the trunk. What a surprise.

"Hey Skyler." He took my suitcase, and lifted it up, into the trunk, with ease.

"Hi Drew." I wasn't too enthusiastic about the thought of having to live with my cousin, Drew Chadwick. Don't get me wrong, he's a great guy, it's just that he lives with his two friends, Wesley and Keaton Stromberg. It was going to be a pain. Two teenage guys, my cousin, and me? Help.

"So, how far away is your friend's house?" I asked, as I buckled my seat belt, closing the truck's door.

"From here, it's about a ten minute drive. They live right across the street from the beach though!" Drew put his keys in the ignition, and the car roared with life. It had a nice sound to it.

The car ride was uneventful. It was silent, apart from the five second intervals of small talk that we took part in. The drive felt a lot shorter than ten minutes, considering the fact that I couldn't stop thinking about home. I mean, who does that? So, I get pushed, and my mom's precious earrings go down our kitchen sink's drain. It wasn't even my fault.

"We're here." Drew was standing outside of the car. I hadn't even noticed the car stop, let alone him getting out. Unbuckling my seat belt, my eyes widened at my surroundings. Eagerly, I hopped out of the truck. I stood on a regular, pavement driveway, but everything else about the place was anything but regular. I stood in front of a nice, averaged-sized house. But palm trees lined the driveway, and the road across the street. I could hear the faint sound of seagulls screaming, waves crashing, and little kid's laughter. This place was.. beautiful.

"I recognize that face." Drew grinned.

"What face?" I looked around, in confusion.

"Yours. I had the exact same expression when I first came here. It's nice, eh? It get's better." He brought my suitcase into the house, and I followed behind him. As he opened the door, and we stepped in, a brown head of hair turned my way. On the couch sat a guy, looking to be around fifteen, with some very nice blue/green eyes. It was kind of hard to tell from how far away I was.

Then I looked around, embracing the house I was standing in. The hardwood floors were stained, a dark colour. But the cabinets and granite counter tops were a clear white. I stood in the little, foyer area. As I stepped further into the house, I noticed how awesome the place was.

To my left was a casual living area, with nice, beige leather sofa's and a red ottoman, sat in the middle. On either side of the three-person couch, were wooden side tables, that matched the stain of the wood. The average-sized plasma television, was sitting on a red stand. In front of me, was a dining room table. There wasn't any official, formal dining area, it was just a table in the middle of the wide room.

To my right was the kitchen. Every room had sightlines to the next. No walls separated the three "rooms". In between the dining table and kitchen, was a set of half-stairs. There was a little cat-walk that got cut off by the wall, once it reached the kitchen area. I could see one door, closed, in alignment with the stairs. Beside that, to my right, I could see half of another closed door, but the wall cut the rest off. I assumed that they were bedrooms. Behind the living space, to the left of the dining area, were two, sliding glass doors. I could see some flagstone, in the backyard, followed by well-maintained, green grass. But from where I was standing, I didn't have the best view.Behind the television was a large, bay window, which had the most beautiful views of the palm trees, across the street.

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