part two of this..... thing.

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That was quite an odd question. "Being honest? It's hypothetically possible. But travel? It doesn't se-" Alex cut me off.
"But i have. That's how I knew what you were going to say. Ren asked me that in the last timeline I was in. This is the first time I've remembered this. I must be like 30 in real life. I think I've been stuck in a time loop that I caused all these years. I did something differently in the last time loop that caused Michael to be alive. The last time loop....... He died. Drowned during a swimming trip before he left town."
"I believe you." i told her. "I actually believe you. There was this one time I actually got stuck in a time loop I think by what you describe. I thought I was dreamimg. An entire year of my life repeated about 5 times. I didn't think anything of it until now. That was the year Percy died..... Five goddamn times I had to live with his death I thought I had no control over it. I could've saved him. I could've stayed....." I said, on the verge of tears. Alex hugged me.
"I know how you feel. The only thing that remained a memory throughout those time loops was him drowning......" We'd pretty much spaced everyone out now. "Now i know we can't use the radio. We can't. I'm not going through this again. No. You can have it back. In fact no. We can't leave this intact anywhere near us. I'm sorry to do this but this needs to be destroyed for out own safety. The extra terrestial beings have already infected your phone. That can't be saved. Every electrical item with a radio..... It either needs to be destroyed or competely killed. No battery to power it."
"Okay you two sound like you've been having some of my magic brownies." Ren said. "Thats not a good thing."
"I believe them." Nona mumbled. "The first day I decided I couldn't give two shits about school I stayed. Then it repeated. Over and over and over. I got sick of it. I learnt a lot that day..... Or month.... Or however long it lasted. I finally decided the millionth time to ditch the entire day. Then i ditched the deto. Then i got suspended. And it stopped. I figured I did something right so thats how its continued for the last few years."
"Okay I'm with Ren on this one. You guys must be on drugs or something." Clarissa said. Mike nodded.
"3 to 3. But only one side is right." A voice said.
"Oh no. I told you we should've got rid of it! Goddamn not again. Just leave me alone..... What did I ever do to you?!" Alex exclaimed.
"You tried too hard Alexander. You should've listened to your friends." The voice from the radio seemed to use clips of other things to make sentences. "One last time we ask you....... Is. Leave. Possible?" Alex almost let out a sob.
"They gave you choices. You just chose the wrong ones each time. It was quite amusing."
"A-Amusing?!" Alex yelled. "THAT WAS NOT AMUSING! WATCHING ME FAIL OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER! 30 GODDAMN YEARS!" Alex was well and truly pissed now. She's cute when she's angry. Alex got up and stormed off.
"Aw is the wittle girl angwy?" The ghosts/extra terrestial beings teased. She clearly needed something to hit. I stood up.
"I figure you need something to take your anger out on Alex. Throw it at me. I can take it." i told her.
"I-Its fine." She stuttered.
"No its not." i insisted, putting my hand on her shoulder.
"IM FINE!" She yelled, tearing my hand off her shoulder, and i saw a slight blush. I reached inside my bag. I took out a snickers bar.
"Eat this. You're not you when you're being haunted by ghosts." i handed her the snickers bar and tried my absolute best not to laugh. That did it. She slapped me as hard as she possibly could.
"Better?" i asked, rubbing my cheek.
"Better." Alex confirmed. There was a slow clap from the radio.
"That was beautiful. Alebeth. New ship." That's when Jonas spoke up.
"What?!" He yelled.
"Aw is Jonas jealous the ghosts prefer me and Annabeth here over you and her?" Alex teased.
"W-What?! N-No!!" He shouted, blushing deeply. Then something clicked. Someone was going to possessed. That person was me.
"G-Guys? This probably sounds crazy but i think I'm about to be possess-" I started before everything went black. "So how are you Annabeth?" Percy asked.
"I'm good. You?" i replied, trying to act normal. I'd been thrown back in time. Not again.
"I'm pretty great. Now there's something I need to ask you." He asked as we walked down the street. "I'm thinking of leaving the city. Get out more. We can still stay in touch obviously. What do you think?"
"I'm thinking you should stay. I mean your mom would be heartbroken to know her son left town and she might never see him again Seaweed Brain." i could save him. Stop us going on that skiing trip where he broke his neck.
"Well i trust you fully Wise Girl. You have a valid point too. I'll stay." He confirmed, kissing me on the forehead. "I love you Wise Girl."
"I love you too Percy...."
I woke up with Jonas hugging me. It felt nice. I....decided to stay quiet. For about 10 minutes. I pretended I'd just woke up. Jonas shot up. "Hey Jonas. How long was i out?" i asked rubbing my head.
"About an hour." He replied. He spent about an hour hugging me and did heavens know what else. "You should come see this." He lead me out of the infirmary and took me to Alex.

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