The End?

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"ALEX!" I yelled, running forward as fast as I could with my broken leg to pick her up. "CAN YOU HEAR ME?!" No response. I shook her violently. Still no response. I started crying. This girl I'd only properly met today I had great feelings for. "D-DONT DIE ON ME! PLEASE! Please! Please......" with every please i lost even more hope she would live. I started crying even more on the last please. I sat down and cradled her seemingly lifeless body. Ren, Michael and Jonas ran in then.
"We got the.... Boat.... Working.... What happened to Alex?!" Michael almost yelled.
"Sh-She fell after closing the seal. I don't think she's dead but it sure seems like it." We carried her to the boat. The entire way I cried. Mainly because of my thoughts. The trip back went a little bit like this (the song is Wish You Were Here):

I can be tough, I can be strong,
But with you, its not like that at all.
There's a girl, who gives a shit (an image of herself cradling Alex in her arms fills Annabeths mind when this lyric comes into her head) behind this wall,
You just walked through it.
I remember all those crazy things you said, you left them runnin through my head,
You're always there, you're everywhere
But right now I wish you were here.
All those crazy things you did, didnt think about it just went with it,
You're always there, you're everywhere
But right now I wish you were here
Damn, damn, damn,
What I'd do to have you here, here, here
I wish you were here.
Damn, damn, damn
What I'd do to have you near, near, near
I wish you were here.
Tears streaked down Annabeth's face. She showed no real emotion to Alex and now she greatly regrets it.

"ANNABETH! SHE'S AWAKE!" A voice yelled from the other side of the yacht. I ran almost literally like Sonic and was there within the second. Alex had sat up, and was looking great. I smiled. I managed to prevent tears running down my face. I gave her a massive bear hug.
"I love you." i whispered into her ear. "i really really do Alex." Just in case she tried anything "funny" i added "And don't do anything funny. Like saying I love me too because I'm really really serious. You bring the light to my life Alex. I truly do love you."
"W-What?" She stammered, blushing a deep crimson. "R-Really?" i nodded. I let go of her and walked off.

Alex's POV
A new POV! Woah! After Annabeth left i was still blushing.
"And what's up with you?" Michael asked.
"I just got confessed to." i told him, still in shock.
"Really? So she's bi? Didn't think she'd be bi." Michael was also fairly shocked. I lay back and sighed. What the hell just happened? I watched as Annabeth sat back down, her grey eyes gazing at the ocean. They were filled with sorrow. She was clearly thinking of someone. I'm assuming it was that Percy kid. Apparently he fell off a cliff last summer. Only after gazing at Annabeth for a good ten minutes I noticed Jonas glaring angrily at me. When I noticed him he got up and stormed over to the seat I was in.
"What the hell do you think you're playing at?!" He yelled.
"Jonas!" Annabeth called. "Leave Alex alone would ya? She's been through enough." Jonas scowled but still walked away. Jesus. Jealousy can turn a guy against you. He'll get over it. Hopefully.

And back to Annabeths POV.
Oh dear. Jonas is a jealous cinnamon roll. He could never live up to Percy though. He's not brave enough. Not..... Seaweed Brain enough. Now Alex on the other hand. She had the bravery of Percy, the doofiness of him, the protectiveness over herself and her friends. She was the most like Percy...... And she really reminds me of Thalia too. I actually liked Thalia until Percy came along. Even when she was a tree. I'd go over to her tree and talk to her, marvel about how amazing she was. I'd admired her ever since I was like 7. Alex really has Thalia's fiery personality. It's the perfect combination. Jonas stormed over to where I was sitting.
"Why am I not good enough?" He enquired.
"You just don't have his bravery..... His dorkiness..... You're just nothing like my poor Seaweed Brain." i sighed.
"Oh and Alex us?! What did she do that was brave?!"
"She risked her life to save us all. Oh such a Percy thing to do. And plus blue hair. That's a massive plus." Jonas ran off in a fluster. I looked over the edge of the water and dipped my hand in. The water was cool and pure. A school of fish swam past and one of then nuzzled my hand. Percy must've told them about me. Or maybe because I was the son of the sea gods' girlfriend they knew about me. Michael took me in after Percy died. I went to a mortal school, stopped going to camp, lost all contact with everyone there. I even made a deal with Iris to make sure no one could iris message me. I wanted nothing to do with their world. I wanted to live like a normal mortal. I don't even come across any monsters anymore. Michael was the only one that talked to me at mortal school. We quickly became great friends. I hung out with his friends and I became quite a popular girl. The smart one everyone wants to copy off for homework and tests. I only help them study and learn. I'm not one for cheating. They respect that though. I looked over at Alex. She'd probably been staring at me for a while now. She was daydreaming at a guess. Her mind at work and fantasizing things. Maybe. We were almost home. It seemed things had ended but i don't think Alex has left the timeloop. I don't think anyone has. Its quite saddening actually. Doing the same thing over and over. Failing over and over...... We docked and everyone else got up. I looked at the boat one last time, remembering everything vividly, before I waved at the sea and the island before running off to catch up with the others. Just as i reached them however everything went to static and we were back on our way to Edwards Island. I locked eyes with Alex and she nodded. It was all happening again.

Hi! I'm surprised anyone actually read this in all honesty. Thank you all so much for reading this. And 45 views the last time I look! 45!!! That's amazing! Once again, thank you all so so much, you're all amazing and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Oh and theres a few more chapters left.

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