Whatever this is episode/part/whatever 1.

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I forgot to mention that this'll be in Annabeths POV. So lets start this i guess.
Okay so i don't really know these people all that well. All I know is Michael invited me on this trip. That's it. He has a sister named Alex and a brother called Jonas. Girlfriend called Clarissa. Clarissa's best friend is Nona. Alex's best friend is Ren. Ren might possibly like Nona from what I've listened in on by accident. This is probably gonna be really awkward. Gods help me on this trip.

"So this is Annabeth?" Alex asked, glancing over at me. I pretended i was engrossed in my book when in reality this was one of the many i put aside as boring and holy crap it sure is boring.
"Yep. She's cool." Michael answered. Oh I thought that was awkward. I had a lot yet to come. There was a good half hour of awkward silence.
"Oh look we're here. Don't forget your phone Mike." Jonas said, breaking the silence.
"Oh ha ha. Very funny." Mike picked up his phone and walked off with everyone else. "You brought the radio right Alex?"
"Crap I forgot! I'm sorry. I know this was gonna be a cool experience and all." Alex said, trying to cover up the fact she didn't even know she was supposed to bring it.
"Well lucky you, I just happened to bring a phone with a radio and an actual radio." I said handing the radio to her. We walked the rest of the way in silence. Oh I almost forgot that Ren existed didn't I? He was there too. We eventually ran into Nona and Clarissa.
"Hey you two." Michael greeted, hugging Clarissa.
"Hey Michael." Clarissa said, returning the hug.
"So how've you been?" Alex asked.
"We've been alright. Nothing too exciting going on." Nona responded, not a lot of emotion in her voice. She seemed cool. I was being ignored as they continued their conversation for like the next few minutes. To pass the time I went on my phone. Didn't seem like a disastrous and dangerous idea at the time. The screen went all red and electrocuted my hand.
"JESUS HOT SAUCE CHRISTMAS CAKE! FUCK NUGGETS GODDAMN" I yelled, dropping my phone and clutching my hands between my calves.
"You okay?" Michael asked.
"What do you think?! My phone just bloody electrocuted me! Jesus fuck!" I exclaimed waving my hand in the air in pain. That got their attention. Michael picked up my phone.
"Looks fine to me." He said, examining it.
"Turn it on!" I insisted. "Jesus christ....." I murmured. He turned it on. Nothing. Little did I know that was a really really bad thing. Alex and Ren pushed a dumpster to the fence we had stopped at and we all climbed over. Ren had mumbled something to Alex that I deciphered as "You know I like Nona. Don't fuck up my chances okay?" Oh that's some juicy shite. Some really damn juicy shite. 'Specially as we were playing this game Ren came up with. Clarissa went first.
"Admit it Ren, you wanna get with Nona." Nona buried her face in her hands and Ren stuttered.
"I- N-No?"
"Thats not what I accidentally overheard earlier." i laughed.
"You heard that?! HOW?! THATS LIKE INHUMANE!" Ren yelled
"I have great hearing when people aren't speaking to me." i explained. Clarissa rubbed her hands together. Nona covered her eyes. The thwack from the slap was really loud. Ren screamed and stumbled.
"JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!" He yelled, his hands pressed hard against his cheeks. I laughed.
"Ah the sweet sound of the cries of the tortured." i whispered. "Ren your turn." I said, louder.
"O-Okay" He panted almost crying. "A-Annabeth is it?" He stuttered
"Yep!" Go ahead!"
"S-So what the fuck is going on in that mind of yours?! I can't have been the only one to hear you whisper to yourself 'Ah the sweet sound of the cries of the tortured' like that was fucked up man."
"Oh all sorts of things. And none of them nice." i said jokingly. I got a lot of funny looks. "Jesus I'm joking. Cmon. Jokes. Some of them are nice. Really." That didn't help.
"Ohkay. Well its your turn." Alex stated, sitting down. Ah shit i forgot about that. I don't even know.......
"Alex?" i asked hesitantly.
"Before you say anything may I make a guess on what you're about to ask me? I remember something from..... Never mind it's not important."
"No go on." I told her, finding this intriguing.
"No it doesn't matter." Alex insisted.
"Okay suit yourself. Guess away."
"So your minds are gonna be blown by this right. You're going to say: "Ren, Nona, Clarissa. Screw marry kill. Go."
"How?!" She got it bang on right.
"You'd think I'm crazy." She muttered.
"So then Alex, who's the guy or gal that marries you?" Ren asked. He seemed into this. I had a feeling he wasn't going to be so ecstatic by the end of this.
"Nona. I like the quiet types."
"I'm flattered. I think."
"Who's getting a knife to the throat?" i asked.
"Who said it'd be a knife to the throat? Maybe a katana to the heart? A dagger to the gut?" Jonas asked.
"I like your taste. Very creative." I told him, hoping that could be considered a compliment.
"Thanks." I swear he blushed but it was probably the fire. I mean what self respecting somewhat cute guy would like a nerdy girl?
"Ren. Sorry Ren." Alex answered, giving Ren a very apologetic look. No one said anything about the fact she would screw her brothers girlfriend. I found that odd but i didn't say anything. "So right its my turn. Sorry to pick on you Annabeth but i just have to asked someone about this. Do you believe there are alternate timelines with different people, different outcomes, different practically everything and that people can travel between them?"

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