The ending of the new beginning

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This is the final chapter of my story so I hope you guys have enjoyed this crazy adventure and I think I'm going to make a third book of this beautiful adventure about "Elizabeth and Lucas." Yes their going to have a child and it is going to be a girl! (YAY) I want her name to start with an "A" do you guys could give me a "A" girl name and I'll see if maybe I could come up with a name with your guy's names! Thank you to everyone who has been reading supporting my story!

You guys know that poor family? Well they are now back on their feet and Mary has a good job! She works at "Bath and Bodyworks," but she's the manager of the place! And her boys are well taken care of and Lucas has recently took Daring hunting so that was good!

Elizabeth's parents have returned home from their cruise and are looking for houses with Elizabeth and Lucas! Elizabeth is now four months pregnant and Elizabeth and Lucas are very happy about it and so is Elizabeth's family. John is in high school now and he is sixteen years old (he just turned sixteen like two weeks ago.) John has been studying and practicing on how to drive a vehicle! (Exciting but scary at the same time), John is going to live with Elizabeth's parents because he feels their like his parents because on how much they support him and everything! John is also, excited about the baby. John has girl friend, her name is Chelsea (she's very pretty and kind.) John and Chelsea have been together for two years now so hopefully they will marry some day when they grow up and are still together!

(As a little throwback remember how Lucas and Johns mom died because she got hit by a semi truck and that their dad is dead.) So Lucas has been supporting his younger brother "John" and buying him the things that parents usually buy their children and so has Elizabeth's parents. (Couple years have passed now so that's why I'm refreshing you guys and telling you guys what the next book will be like kinda.)


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