Home sweet home

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I'm back at home. Home sweet home, am I right? Of course I'm right. Anyways, I sit down for dinner as my step dad is tired from work today, my mom went to work too, and my little brother Rocco, who goes to my old middle school now, is being snotty as usual.
"So, Rocco how was today?" Said my mom as she made the salad for dinner.
"Eh, it was okay. I'm thinking about signing up for football though" said Rocco
"Ah, that was my kinda sport in school when I was growing up" said my step dad, Norman
"You played football in school?" I said to Norman
"Oh yeah, definitely. Let's see....... Hmm..... If I remember correctly, I think I was either the quarterback or the punter"
"Wow, that's pretty epic" I said with a surprised look
"Just be sure you're careful on the field, I can't have my son with any bad bruises or bones broken" said my mom
"Oh he'll be fine. With a little practice, he'll be a good player on the team. Well, for my sake I hope so."
My mother turns to me "Damian, how about your day, how was your first day being a sophomore?"
"Pretty cool. I have a class with Brandon, I met this awesome girl, and I have some cool teachers"
"Cool. How is Brandon?" She asks me.
"Eh, his regular loud, obnoxious, anime loving self"
"That guy's still into anime?" Norman asked me.
"Oh the guy is an anime addict. So am I, kinda. I mean, I love my share of 'Hetalia' and 'Hellsing: Ultimate', but he's the real anime fan in my book". I say with optimization.
" Well, just be sure to work hard in every class okay?" My mother tells me.
"Sure. No problem" I say with a smile

My family is always caring about me. Well, most of my family. My little brother Rocco is a total pain. When I was on the verge of diabetes a few years back, he use to call me "Diabeto". Which was kinda funny, but stupid too. But, Rocco is a pretty good brother, so, I wouldn't give him up for all the money in the lottery.
My mom is a great person to be with. I always love it when it's just me and her at the house alone, she'd be watching TV or talking to my grandmother on the phone, while I was playing Xbox or on my tablet. We'd always plan to go out for dinner, just me and her. Or do something. I love my mom very much. Because she is of much value to me. I wouldn't give her up.
My step dad Norman just moved in with us about a good year and a half ago. He's a good role model to me and Rocco. He was in a band back in California called " Gadget car". He cab play the acoustic and electric guitar. He can also make some good jokes, but he is always a real comedic person. He even introduced me to my favorite band in the world. "The DEFTONES". Here's a music video to brighten your day up.

I hope you enjoy!

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