undercover ren

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imagine ren trying to figure out your feelings on kylo on valentines


IF THERE WAS ANYONE MORE FEARFUL OF LOVE THAN REN, it was Y/F/N. At first, it had seemed like she was just indifferent towards any romantic feelings but after invading the privacy of her mind, Kylo had realized that it was more fear than lack of caring.

Her deeply rooted fear was a problem for him, considering his own lack of experience in that certain department. Despite taking Hux and Phasma's advice on how to approach her, it all seemed hopeless with her constantly shying away from his poor attempts.

So, now he going to take matters into his own hands.

The disguise seemed to have worked on some people at first, so he was sure it would work on her. Although, even though he was sure it would work, nervous thoughts still flooded the inside of his mind as he approached her work spot.

His fingers nervously fiddled with the metal name tag stuck to his fake uniform, earning an amused look from Hux as he approached the working duo. Kylo awkwardly cleared his throat once his towering figure stood behind the girl, earning both of their attentions while all three of them stood there.

Hux quickly excused himself when he pieced two and two together and figured out Kylo's not so secretive plan, leaving a perplexed Y/N standing there with a anxious Kylo in a disguise. Kylo smoothed the wrinkles on his technician's uniform before finally breaking the silence.

"I've heard you and Kylo Ren are good friends." He stated, attempting his best at masking his real voice since she he's allowed her to hear it in the past under certain conditions. "You must be really interesting if he enjoys your company that much."

"Uh huh." Y/N slowly nodded, unsure of what the new worker's intentions were by mentioning her friendship with her higher up. It was so random, so out of the ordinary, that she almost suspected that Hux might be playing some sort of joke on her due to his earlier departure. "What about it?"

The slightly annoyed tone in her voice made him take a step back and choose his words more carefully. A sense of insecurity washed over him, not feeling oh so powerful without his normal attire and mask on.

"I didn't mean it in a condescending way." 'Matt' quickly apologized to her, shaking a hand to dismiss his previous words from the air. "I was just curious about you two."

"Isn't everyone?" A small smile found its way to her lips at the thought of Kylo, more particularly their moments together when it was just them and the whole work scenery was gone.

"Of course." Matt exclaimed, his voice holding a little more excitement than it should have for a new radar technician discussing the relationship. "It does seem like he has a secret attraction towards you, don't you think?"

His hands were quickly brought down from their motions by hers, her face leaning into his causing his heart to race a bit at the lack of space between them.

"Did he send you here as a wingman?" Y/N playfully whispered, lowering her eyebrows at him in faux deep thought.

"Possibly." Matt stuttered, losing all his confidence he once had at your how close in proximity you were. "I bumped into him earlier and you were all he talked about." He lied, his face fixating itself into a serious one to pass of the lie.

"Really?" Y/N gently removed her hands from his and took a step back, nodding her head at the new information. "I didn't know he was that into me."

"He is that into you." Matt mimicked her words, feeling weird on his tongue as he tried to search her face for any sign that she knew it was really him. "I heard he was going to do something special for you today."

"I doubt that." Y/N scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest as she shook her head in disbelief. "I never pegged him as the romantic type."

"Why?" His quick defensive response caused her to grow a bit suspicious over him, but he hurriedly relaxed a bit. "I'm sure he's romantic when you give him the chance."

A few strands fell over her face as she straightened up her figure, preparing to go on her lunch break in a minute. "I'll consider it." She hesitantly replied, taking the technician's words into thought as she gathered up her things.

Matt nodded, glad that his weak plan actually worked, only needing to go through with one more step before he could return to his normal identity. When her back was turned, he reached inside his pocket for the folded up paper.

"He also wanted me to give you this." He placed the paper in her hand and left her there, hurrying to get changed into his normal clothes before she read the note.

Curiously, her fingers unfolded the crumpled paper as messy writing came into place. The words seemed as if he was nervously scribbling them, with a few scratch outs here and there.

'Meet me in the control room during lunch :) - Kylo'


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