Valentines One-Shot

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Since my next chapter is no where NEAR being finished, I made this Jasper X Reader Valentines thing. Also, it takes place during my book New Life, so if you're into human high school SU AU's then that's your thing. Sorry for this not being an official chapter!
Also, as some of you may have noticed, this was published last night as a separate one-shot. Anyways, on with the story!

"So, this is to be war, no? Well, then here's the atom bomb."
"Bring it."
You were in an intense cheesy pick-up-line competition, in preparation for the coming holiday...
A holiday of pure....
You had always been, well, let's say, iffy, when it came to love. You had never once, not even once, had a crush on anyone. People, of course, never believed you, always saying, "Oh my god, do you like him? What about him?" What they didn't realize until very recently that you were a lesbian.
Well, until you shouted about, "What if I told you I liked HER?!"
Anyways, you each had one chance, one SHOT ( a/n: pun intended) at throwing your grenade. Your bomb, your life's work.
It started off simple, the old "Are you a shirt? 'Cause I'm girlfriend material."
Then, it got slightly intense.
"Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you, I smile."
But soon, it was your turn.
"Can I live in your socks? 'Cause I want to be with you every step of the way."
"I'm pretty sure you got that wrong."
"Shhh, young child." You said. But suddenly, you didn't hear anything that came after that, because your eyes had fallen upon a certain student that just so happened to have just walked up from her seat to the lunch line. You stared as she sauntered over, waving to her friend.
She, at least, in your option, was the pure image of perfection. Hilariously inappropriate, but not to the point where you'd feel uncomfortable, and just so... Muscular.
You just couldn't.
You had always hoped one way or another she would notice you, maybe even ask you to the dance that was later that night. But of course, Senpai didn't notice you.
".../n.... Y/N!" Your friend shouted, making you jump.
"What?!" You screamed, jumping up and throwing your hands in the air.
A little too loudly, apparently, for everyone in the cafeteria stopped what they were doing and looked at you. Including Jasper.
She laughed obnoxiously, staring you down, but not in a mean way, more like, "Oh, Y/N, what an overdramatic theatre kid you are." way. Soon, she turned back to what she was doing, as was everyone else.
It was time for the dance, and you were SUPER excited. You even took off your glasses, utilizing your supply of contacts that had only ever been used for the musicals you had been in. As soon as you entered, your happiness faded. There were just so many people there, you had expected a smaller crowd. Soon, you saw your prey- ahem, your crush. She was majestic, powerful, stealing the dance floor... Like a lion. You really didn't know where you were going with this, and neither did the author.
Anywho, she was talking to the new girl, Sapphire, I think it was? But not just talking, flirting.
You were livid, but you really couldn't blame Sapphire, not only was she pretty cute, but Jasper always did this with the new girls. Soon, one of your friends, not one that sat at your table, but one that just so happened to be in every one of your classes, Ruby, came over. Jealously was obvious on her face. Soon, it seemed to get a little too rough for comfort. You strode over, grabbed Ruby by the waist and pulled her back.
"Sorry, she throws tantrums when she's jealous."
"W-what? I di-didn't-"
You quickly looked over at Sapphire, who was immensely blushing.
"Go get her." You whispered to Ruby, throwing her at Sapphire. Sapphire giggled and the walked away, Ruby brig the awkward person she always was.
"Hey! I wanted a good time tonight!" Jasper whined. "Y/N!"
"God, what do you have to be so predatory with everyone?" You said, laughing lightly.
She looked at you, frowning, but then an evil smirk came across her face.
"Maybe I still ca-"
You swiped her right across the face, not hard enough to hurt, not loud enough to cause a commotion, but enough that Jasper doubled over and clutched her cheek in pain, moaning.
"Y/N!!" She groaned.
"Jasper!!" You mimicked her pained face.
She paused, and look at you with a new interest for what seemed like forever.
"Can-can we still have a good time?" She asked. "As friends, of course." She quickly corrected herself.
But for now,
That was enough.

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