Part 4 - Alive and Together (Final)

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"There's no time!" Lara interrupts, forcefully pulling you to your feet and out the way you originally came through.

"Lara, Stop!" you shout, pulling your arm free from her grip. "I'm going back in there with or without you. You can either choose to help, or leave and I'll help him myself" 

"(Y/N), are you crazy?!" she shouts back, shaking you as if it'll bring some sense into your head. You stare at her with a stern look, expressing how serious you are. She looks at the ground for a brief moment, shaking her head in frustration. "Okay.. okay fine. What is it that you want me to do?" she finally cooperates, awaiting your instruction. 

"Try and see if you can find a way to get behind the bastards and take out as many as you can. I'm going to go back in and try to get Alex out"

"Alright, I'll do what I can" she replies, pulling her bow and arrow from behind her back. 

"Be careful" 

"You too"

Wasting no more time, you rush back in towards Alex, not even caring about the bullets still flying through the air. When he sees that you have returned, he immediately looks angry. 

"(Y/N)! What are you doing?! I told you to lea-" 

"There's no time to talk!" you interrupt, leaning down to focus your full attention on getting his leg unstuck. "They are going to break through the barricade any second now". Before he can reply, you use every ounce of energy you have in an attempt to lift the pipe crushing his leg. He screams out in pain, but this time you don't stop even though his cries kill you. With the help of both your adrenaline and Alex's cooperation, you manage to the lift pipe long enough for him to shift out from underneath it. He breathes heavily, laying in agony on the floor. A single tear streams down his left cheek and you wish you could take his pain away. You lean down over him, your face just inches away from his and wipe the tear away with a gentle finger. 

"Just hang in there a little longer. We are going to make it through this" you encourage, leaning to peck his soft lips. You can taste the dirt between your lips but it doesn't take away from the short kiss you want so much more of. "Come on, let's get you up" you say, watching as his face lights up from your kiss. Seeming more confident, he nods his head signalling he is ready to move. You place a strong arm under his shoulder and lift him up so that he can stand on his good leg while supporting his weight on you. 

"Watch out from behind!!!" you hear the men shout in the distance, fire ceasing in your direction. 

"Lara must have found a way to get behind them" you tell Alex, successfully able to move him out of the room. "I have to help her" you add, setting him down and out of harms way. 

"What are you going to do?" he asks, looking at you with worry. 

"Don't worry. I'll be quick" you reply, rushing back in. You know exactly what to do, strategically kicking and moving the flammable barrels. You move them as close to the armed men as you can without capturing there attention. When you get them all into position, you run back to Alex, standing him up again. 

"Get ready to move" you tell him, pulling out your pistol and aiming it at one of the barrels. "Can you grab the walkie from out of my belt and press it for me?" you ask. He moves his free hand to your belt, following your orders. 

"Lara! Are you okay?" you ask, waiting for her reply. 

"Yeah.. i found a way to them but there's a lot" she answers, sounding out of breath. 

"Just run out of here. We will meet you at the front of the ship, I'm about to blow this whole place up" 

"Alright, I'm retrieving. I'll meet you there" she replies. The second you press down on the trigger, you slam the heavy door shut and move as fast as you can. You can tell that Alex is still in pain but you pick up the pace as fire bursts from all around you. Bursting through the exit door, you find Lara waiting for you. 

"Here let me help. We've got to hurry" she says, immediately rushing to the other side of Alex allowing for you guys to move much quicker. 


"Oh my god, you guys made it back" Jonah says, looking relieved to see his friend alive. 

"You guys look beaten up! Are you okay?" Sam asks, looking worried. 

"We're okay but Alex's leg is in bad shape. We need to fix him up before he bleeds out" Lara replies. 

"I can do it, I've taken first aid. Do we have a kit though?" you ask, your arm still held tight around Alex. 

"Yeah, we have one in the tent over there, do you need any help?" Lara offers. 

"No it's okay. It's nothing I can't handle" you reply, moving to bring Alex into the tent. You set him down gently, both now alone and in silence. You work quick, moving to open the box and grab some hydrogen peroxide. 

"This might sting a little" you say before dumping the whole bottle on his leg. 

"Ahh" his leg twitches in response, white foam forming from the liquid. 

"Sorry" you smile, glancing at him to see him smiling back. He silently watches you work, eyes scanning your face as you bandage his leg up tightly. 

"And there you go" you say, tightening a knot to keep the bandage in place. "That should help until we get back and real doctors look at it". You begin to package everything back up in the box, shifting to stand up but Alex's hand pulls you back down. 

"Thank you. For everything. You're so brave, and smart, and beautiful. You amaze me" he says, his voice just a whisper in the silence. His hand moves out to stroke your cheek and you smile again his palm, so lucky to have met him. He shifts the position of his hand to grip the back of your neck, gently pulling you down and on top of him. You move a hand out and against his chest so that you don't crush your weight over him, his pull guiding you straight to his lips. You close your eyes and bask in the moment this time, butterflies bursting in your stomach. Several moments go by but neither one of you dare pull away, the passion washing away the horrors of the past couple days. Being here, safe with Alex, you finally get the sense that everything will be okay. 

<The End> 

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