Chapter 18

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Hello guys! I hope you read my author’s note I posted a few days ago, it really explains my lack of updating.

This chapter might be short, but let’s see how it goes.

This chapter is dedicated to Guy__Directioner. He’s an amazing person and is hilarious. Go read his story, it’s awesome.

Other than that, enjoy the chapter!

Oh and don’t forget to vote and comment! :)

Chelsea’s P.O.V.

            I stared at my cold soup in my hands feeling low as usual. For the past few hours, I could barely feel anything as I walked around the hospital; suggested by the boys to get my mind off things. There was no report or anything from the doctor yet, and I still couldn’t help but feel guiltier every passing minute even if the boys said it wasn’t my fault. I sighed again for the hundredth time and got up from my chair. Dumping the full bowl of soup in the trash, I trudged out of the lunch room and back to the familiar hallway where Harry’s room was. I caught sight of the boys and made my way to them, when a door opened.

            A young looking doctor came out of a room and looked around wearily. “Excuse me, but who is here for patient Harry Styles?”

            My eyes widened considerably and I jogged over to the doctor as the rest of the boys shot up from their plastic seats.

             “We all are.” Liam answered as he glanced at me.

            “I just need one person to come with me for now to explain Mr. Style’s condition.” The doctor said tiredly.

            We all looked at each other and Niall gently pushed me forward. “Chels, you go.”

            I looked at Niall, then the rest of the boys. “Are you guys sure?” I asked; though I knew I would go even if they said no.

            “No Chels, you go. We can wait here. Good luck.” Zayn said sadly.

            I nodded and took a deep breath. “Let’s go.”           

            The doctor led me down the hallway and I followed nervously. “Please let Harry be okay, please.” I prayed silently.

            I heard a soft chuckle from my side and I glared at the doctor. He sobered up immediately and tried to cover it up with a cough. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that.” He apologized.

            I shook my head and turned forward. The doctor opened his office door and I slid in. He walked to the other side of the desk and sat down in a leather chair before gesturing for me to do the same. I frantically sat down and looked at the man expectantly. “My name is Doctor Andrew.”

            I nodded; bobbing my head up and down so fast it probably looked like it was falling off. He smiled at my eagerness but quickly became serious again. “Before we begin, may I know how you are related to Mr. Styles?”

            I stopped my nail-biting and looked at the Doctor Andrew. What was I to Harry? My eyebrows furrowed as I thought about it. Well, we were obviously more than friends, but not lovers. Or were we? “He’s my boyfriend.” I said biting the inside of my cheek.

            Harry only asked me out, he never asked me to be his girlfriend. The doctor nodded anyway. “Well Ms…..”

            “Cowell,” I answered, “Chelsea Cowell.”

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