"The Winds"

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The winds rustle and hustle

Synchronizing with the leaves

Your eyes warm but distant

Like the stars of a night sky

The winds speak against the buildings

With nothing less than their present being

Which isn't actually a being

But is more the feeling

A feeling

A feeling of you against my window

Passing by my ears

Weaving into my mind

Like the sound of a poet

Posing their rhymes

And if I might state that the winds are you

Then that'd be too

Too silly of me to admit

That it's nothing but a silly skit

Put up to my brain at nights' time

I'm going to sleep now

My brain is fried

xD Hah, dat ending doe? Sooo, yeah this poem speaks for itself I guess. =B I actually am pretty proud, of myself and this poem (my poem) even if the ending is unexpected! Touch of a poetry chef, I tell ya.. Ok, c l e a r l y I need sleep. It's 1:25 A.M. right now. K baii! Xoxo ~ ∆Rate, comment, vote, follow, love, no hate, to spaaace, go on dates, but be safe, don't be late, just cuz u in third base∆

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2016 ⏰

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