Chapter Two

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We were halfway to Pittsburgh when my dad claimed he had to pee. He sped off the highway to the nearest Rest Stop. Sprinting out of the car to the bathroom only left my mom and I to crack up at the poor man who probably didn’t make it.

I stepped out and stretched letting my Blackhawks shirt rise a little showing off my tanned stomach. Black and yellow caught my eye as I watched a teenage boy eye me with a scowl. I smirked and gave my best wink and wave at the Bruins fan who seemed to be fuming now.

“Riley stop your mocking” Chirped my mother from the inside of our car.

I rolled my eyes stepping back in as my dad also made his return. Soon enough we were off again, me dozing off into slumber.

After a looooong drive I was happy to say we had arrived at Aunt Bez’s house.

It was evening when we made it and I was sure she had dinner waiting for us. Or at least I hoped, or else I’d be chewing on her tablecloth for the rest of the night.

“Uncle Tim!” My cousin Alex yelled sprinting out of the house as he went to greet my dad.

I smiled as he made a beeline towards me. He wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me into a tight hug.

Lord Jesus he was getting tall.

Well after all I stood at a measly 5’3 and he was a growing hockey player.

“I brought you something” I said taking out a folded shirt from my bag handing it to him.

A smile formed on his face as he crinkled his freckled nose in satisfaction of the now open shirt that had a number 19 on the back under the name Toews.

“Jonathan Toews is the epitome of majestic” I said as I pretended to swoon over the Captain of my favorite hockey team.

I got a laugh out of Alex “Thanks Riley, I blame you for making me the only Blackhawks fan in a sea of Penguins fans.”

I gave him a creepy look as he winced and walked away to say hi to my mom. I snorted, getting a disapproving look from my ‘oh-so-proper’ mother and went inside to say hi to Bez Bez.

After one big family reunion over a nice cooked meal we went to our respective rooms to sleep for the night. Tomorrow was the tournament and we had to be up at the butt crack of dawn.


I drifted into a restless sleep, much like many other nights. Traumatizing memories filled my head from that day. Eventually I fell asleep, giving me about only 4 hours of sleep. The next morning I woke up feeling like a zombie.

The house was already filled with light chatter about the game. I quickly dressed myself in Alex’s hockey teams gear. A burgundy “Warriors Hockey” sweatshirt and some black skinny jeans adorned my body. My wavy hair pulled back into a high ponytail highlighting my cat-eye eyeliner. I slipped on my black beat up converse and headed into the kitchen, only to be bombarded with good mornings from the rest of the Warrior Clan. Well this should be fun.

The game was vivid. Alex got the game winning goal. It’s safe to say we went insane.

“Everyone! Victory dinner!” My aunt Bez shouted as she wrapped her arm around her sweaty son.

As we walked around downtown Pittsburgh, the most absurd thing happened.

“AYE! Look!” Alex shrieked yanking my arm and causing everyone to come to a halt.

Holy hell.

I squinted my eyes to make sure they weren’t deceiving me. Alex next to me was literally jumping out of his pants.

Up the street stood a tall, very muscular young man.

Before I could even register what I was seeing my mom was running up to him. My eyes widened in horror.

“Oh my Gosh!” She said stopping in front of him as he now turned to her, intrigued by the crazy woman at his feet.

“Hey” He said with a big grin

“Brandon Saad! My man!” Alex gushed as I mentally slapped myself in the forehead.

“Oh what a nice surprise! We’re here from Chicago! We’re such huge Blackhawks fans!” My mom ranted on as the young hockey player seemed to relax more.

“Oh, well I’m here for most of the summer to spend some time with my family. It’s funny that we would meet here and not in Chicago” He said with an extremely attractive chuckle.

“My daughter! She’s such a big fan of yours! Wouldn’t stop talking about you after you got to raise the Cup” My mom announced as she rested her hand on his arm in a motherly way.

My cheeks instantly flushed as his gaze fell on me. I was going to kill my mother.

“Yup… I’m totally guilty of the gushing. Hi I’m Riley” I said trying my best not to be as awkward as I now felt.

My eyes locked with his as he gave me a sexy smirk.

Sweet lord.

“Nice to meet you Riley” He said extending his hand.

I reached for it and slipped my much smaller hand in his for a subtle handshake.

“Well can we ask you for a picture?” My mom politely asked diverting his stare from the blushing teenage girl back to the excited middle aged woman.

“Of course!” He said cheerfully as he wrapped his left arm around my mom.

Alex went over to my mom’s side which left me no choice but to shuffle over to his right arm which quickly found its way around my waist.

I willed myself not to pass out at his tempting touch. He gave my side a quick playful squeeze as a smile formed on my face. We all grinned at the camera as my dad took the picture.

We said our thank yous and goodbyes as we walked back to where Aunt Bez was waiting for us. As we got closer to Aunt Bez I took one last look over my shoulder.

The young rookie was looking at me with a lopsided grin. Lifting his hand in one last goodbye wave, I smiled and returned the wave, my heart aching to get to know him better.

On The Way Down (Brandon Saad)Where stories live. Discover now