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    Ugh. It's morning. I hate mornings with a fiery burring passion. I mean why do they even exist like why can't you sleep until 12 and then wake up . I don't want to open my eyes, but something tells me I need to open them. I squint my eyes shut and try to focus on Jude's arms around me.

    Last night I don't think I really was thinking about Jude and him holding me. I was too busy thinking about my dad. Now that the thought of my dad hurting me has sunk in, all I can think about is the extremely hot boy named Jude.

    Most people would be freaking out if their dad did the same to them but to me I saw it coming. I guess I had just been preparing myself for the longest time and when it happened I was just ready. 

    My dad had never really loved me the way he loved the rest of my family. I can remember him giving my brother money and buying him things and never doing the same for me. I never minded because my mother was always there for me. She was my best friend.

    Our family has always been screwed up but now, there is no fixing it. I stop thinking about my family because truthfully it made me sad and sad was the last thing I want to be right now. I mean come on I'm snuggled up to Jude!

    I decide to open my eyes hoping it will stop my mind from going off like a time bomb. Jude's room is still pretty dark. Thank god for black curtains. 

I look up at Jude's face highlighted by the crack of sun light coming from the curtans. His brown hair is ruffeled (In a good way, if you know what I mean). His face seems always to either be frowning or just....plain...but when he sleeps it is diffrent. 

    It is so relaxed and calm. It almost reminds me of when we where kids and nothing mattered. Nobody cared and my dad still loved me. His dried lips are slight parted as the cool air flows in and  out, If only his eyes could be open right now, it would just be perfect. I long to look into them.

    His strong arms around me seem to make me melt. I wish he was awake right now but I can't pull myself to wake him up. Images of last night keep coming back but this time it is worse. It is not my dad hurting me, it is Mike and my mom.

     I nuzzle my head into Jude's neck taking in his sent. Stop scaring yourself Drew. That won't ever happen. I wrap my arm all the way around Jude's chest and pull him close not intending on ever letting him go. I slowly drift off to sleep.

    "Drew." I hear someone whisper.

    "Drew get  up please." The voice says again. I slowly open my eyes to see Jude looking at me with a smile on his face. Every time he smiles I feel like flying. 

    "Ughh" I say putting my head back down on his arm.

     "Come on Drew you gotta get up. School started already." He says trying to get me to sit up by bringing his arms up.

    "Noooo. Why can't I just stay home." I say pushing my hard head back on his arm making it hit the pillows.

    "Ow you have a hard head." He says.

    "Well you know." I say with my eyes shut trying to slip back into sleep.

    "Fine I will do it the hard way." He says with a smile in his voice. He snatches his arm out from under my head. Then hurries and sits on me putting his hands on each side of my head so he won't crush me. I can feel butterflies coming back into their home, my stomach. 

     He takes one hand and starts to tickle me. Some how he knows all my tickles spots. I can't control my laughs as they rake my body. I try to push him off but I can't. I look up at his face and see a huge smile on his face. Wow, he looks so happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2013 ⏰

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