It's Goodbye For Good

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The last week of school is absolute bliss. We don't have to go to classes (although Lily insisted on going to a few) and we can do whatever we want! Everyone worships us and we've recieved endless amounts of house points whenever a teacher sees our injuries. Sirius and James were hamming it up a little bit to get more points from Professor Higglepomp, but none of us really complained. We all wanted to win the house cup one last year before leaving Hogwarts for good. The thought of never coming back as a student made me feel slightly hollow inside, as if Hogwarts truly is a part of me. 

I'll be back, though, if Death Eaters decide to attack Hogwarts again. Malfoy, Snape, Bellatrix, and Greyback can count on it. 

It was the last day we had at Hogwarts. The sun shone bright like a penny in the sky as all seven of us (including Peter this time) lay down on the grass, gazing into the Black Lake before us. I sat with Sirius, Katie sat with Remus, and Lily sat with James. I felt slightly bad for Peter, who was sitting by himself. Sirius laced his fingers through mine, and without a word, I laced mine through his. Neither of us were in the mood to talk, so neither of us did. There was something almost calming about the silence, it was like nothing else needed to be said, nothing needed to be expressed. It's as if we'd done it all so there was nothing left to do.  

It was as if we all had perfect understanding of each other. 

The sun began to sink low below the horizon and the cold air nipped at the bare skin on my shoulders. Yeah, McGonagall let me get away with a tank top for the day. As if reading my mind, Sirius opened his jacket a little, allowing me to crawl in. Heat radiated off of his body and I snuggled up to his chest while he put his chin on the top of my head. I inhaled his scent. For some reason Sirius always managed to smell like an actual dog. 

Sirius wrapped his jacket more tightly around the two of us and I felt him kiss the top of my head. Memories flooded into my brain of all the times we had together, all the times where he was there with me, all the times he wasn't...

Since when did I become so sappy?

"You're beautiful, you know that?" Sirius whispers quietly in my ear, making me shiver a little. I don't reply, I just bring him to me and kiss him. Kiss him for much longer than I should, and he kisses me back just as long. After what seems like ever, we break apart and say nothing, just resume the position we were in before we started kissing. 

"Oi! You lot!" James calls, breaking our perfect moment. I groan and untangle myslef from Sirius so I can look towards James. "We're heading down to the end-of-year-feast, you two coming?" Sirius and I exchange a glance. 

"It's our last feast at Hogwarts, Padfoot, come on!" I exclaim, pulling him up. We then walk to the Great Hall and are greeted by many people and teachers on our way there. I even got a little bit teary-eyed thinking this was the last feast (besides breakfast tomorrow) that I'd ever go to at Hogwarts. 

Sitting down at the Gryffindor table and glancing around the room, I suddenly felt much pride swelling inside me. I had survived seven full years at Hogwarts. I had fought Death Eaters multiple times. In these halls I had encountered hearbreak, drama, knowledge, and even detention. I had found friends.

I looked over at Katie and Lily who were talking excitedly about something. Then I looked over at Sirius, James and Remus who were going on about Quidditch. I then looked at Sirius and I's still entertwined hands. 

Okay, now I really want to cry. 

"Rowan! Katie and I were just saying that we should all get an apartment together! You know, until we're ready to move in with...erm...other people.." Lily says while stealing a glance at James, Sirius, and Remus. 

"Brilliant! We have to go pick out one soon!" I reply, crushing both of my best friends in a gigantic bear hug. 

The rest of the time we listen to the speech Dumbledore gives us. It actually makes me, Lily, and Katie cry, along with a bunch of other seventh year old girls in the Great Hall. I even saw a couple of Hufflepuff boys crying. 

"Now, I hope you all realize, no matter what blood status, house, ethnicity, or background...that help will always be given at those who ask for it." The last sentence seems to ring in the air and there's a moment of complete and perfect silence. "Well, I have to say I will miss all you graduating students, but for now at least, dig in!" The feast appears on the table and Sirius kisses me softly before wiping a couple of tears away. 

"Don't cry, love," he pleads and I nod, wiping away the rest of the tears and taking a deep breath. 

"You know," Katie says, glancing around the Great Hall, "I'm really going to miss it here, Ro." I nod and hug her again randomly. 

"Yeah, we had so many good times." I chime in and Lily beams at the two of us. 

"I have this strange feeling," Lily observes, still smiling. "I feel like we'll somehow come back me crazy, but it's just what I think." Katie and I exchange a glance. 

"You're crazy," we say in unison, causing the others to laugh. 


Tearful goodbyes are exchanged that morning in the Great Hall. I say goodbye to all of the teachers, even give them each a hug. But I just wink at Professor Dumbledore, mouthing 'I'll see you soon'. 

I say goodbye to all the friends I made in Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw. Even two nice girls I met in Slytherin one day! I quickly wander the corridors one last time, making sure to memorize every inch of the place. I don't even notice I'm crying until I go back to Katie, who is also crying. We just hug each other silently, not needing to say a word. 

Pulling my trunk along with me, I take one last glance at the towering castle that had been my home for seven years, before joining Sirius in the carriages that will take us back to the Hogwarts express one last time. 


Omigosh, I was gonna cry while writing this! Gahhh! Just a fair warnig, I may be planning to do a little time jump in the next a year or so. Most things are going to change in the next chapter, people might mature the slightest. Damn, I really wanna cry right now :'( 

Anyways, vote, comment, fangirl, asdfghjkl;...

Bai, beautiful ;)

-Livvy/Olivia/Plumi/The Ravenclaw Princess

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