Two Years Later

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It's been two years since Katie died. It's been two years since my best friend died in the hands of a Death Eater. The Order of the Phoenix is fading a little bit and more attacks have happened. Voldemort is even more powerful than he was before and I'm scared. One good thing that has come is that Lily is pregnant.

"Hey, Lil! James!" I exclaim, hugging our friends as they enter Sirius and I's new little house. We had gotten a house two doors down from Lily and James' in Godric's Hallow. 

"It's a boy!" Lily says to me immediately as she walks through the doors. I go down and touch her belly to feel a little kick. I smile and hug Lily and James, muttering a congratulations. James and Sirius go to sit on the couch in the living room while Lily and I go to make dinner. 

"So how're things?" Lily asks as she puts a pot on the stove. 

"They're okay...I mean, Sirius and I are getting a lot of work at the Ministry, plus all the stuff with the Order-which is practically falling apart. I mean, at least we're all safe!" Lily nods, and feeling slightly hungry I go to the fridge. Wanting to satisfy my random food craving, I dig in the fridge until I find some pickles and dark chocolate. Lily looks at me oddly as I eat. 

"Pickles and chocolate? Really, Rowan?" I shrug. 

"I've been having weird cravings lately...not to mention throwing up a lot!" I make a disgusted face and Lily's eyes go wide. "What's wrong, Lil?" 

"Rowan...have you and it lately?" My face flushes red and Lily looks a little sheepish. 

"Yeah. A couple times, why?" I mutter, my face still red. 

"Did...did either of you use protection?" I look at her, confused. 

"What in the bloody hell is a protection?" Lily rolls her eyes. 

"They never teach wizards these things," she mutters, then comes up to me and looks me straight in the eye. "Rowan. I'm not totally sure...but I think you might be pregnant!" I choke on my chocolate when she says that. 

"WHAT IN THE BLOODY HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" I shout and the boys come into the kitchen. 

"What's with all the shouting?" James asks, going over and sneaking a look at what's in the oven. 

"Rowan and I need to go out to the pharmacy in London...could you boys handle the food while we're gone?" Sirius and James exchange a look, but then nod. I'm still to stunned to talk, so Lily does it for me. "We'll be back in a couple of minutes," she says, then we apparate. 


"Okay, how in Merlin's beard am I supposed to use this thing?" I ask, looking at the pregnancy test in my hand. 

" pee on it," Lily says kind of awkwardly and I nod, rolling my eyes. I go in the bathroom, awkwardly pee on the stupid stick, and then wait. I let Lily in then and we both wait in silence. 

After about five minutes Lily declares it's done. 

"I can't look, Lil," I whimper and I hear her suck in a breath. 

"Rowan..." She says slowly, "It's positive." 

Oh shit. 


Lily and Rowan come home and disappear upstairs for a good ten minutes, not even saying hello to us. 

"Well...that was...odd," James comments, glancing down the hallway that leads to the staircase. 

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