Rescue Mission

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Hours of sitting and waiting, hoping that someone-anyone would find us and take us from this place. Our wands rest on a high shelf just outside the cell, right where we can't reach them. 

"They'll come," I reassure a crying Lily as I try and plot a way to get out. If no one comes we'll so need a backup plan. "They'll come and help us, Lil, don't worry." Lily nods, but still looks doubtfull as she wipes away the tears from her face. The sound of heels clicking on the hard, stone floor were heard coming and Lily and Katie both cringed, but all I felt was anger. No fear; just anger. 

Both Bellatrix and Greyback appeared in front of the cell. 

"But where do we move them?" Greyback asked in a hushed voice. Both of their faces looked panicked and that brought me some sort of joy to see the smirks wiped off their dumb faces. Another man then appeared, and I recognized him to be Sirius' brother Regulus. I glare at him harshly and he returns it. 

"I'll get the mud-blood. Black, you get your blood traitor brother's girlfriend, and Greyback get the werewolf lover over there," Bellatrix ordered them. Regulus looks taller from when I last saw him, and stronger too, because he lifts me roughly to my feet. Bellatrix grabs Lily by the hair and Greyback grabs Katie and starts dragging her by the arm. 

"Get off me you son of a-" I start, but am cut off by Regulus pointing a wand to my temple. 

"You should learn to respect your superiors," he hisses, his wand digging into the side of my face. 

"Like hell I will!" I screech. Regulus loses it. He kicks me hard in the shin, making me topple over, then points his wand at me. 

"Give me a reason to and I'll do it, Keith." I glare at him as the others watch our little exchange. 

"Oh, I'll do it!" Bellatrix finally says gleefully, pointing her wand at me. "Crucio!" Fire explodes in my veins and I try my best not to scream, but eventually just let the screams drift out. Pain clouds my vision as well as all of my other senses. I can vaguely hear Lily and Katie calling my name but it's all a blur. 

"B*tch!" I manage to choke out between cries, which makes the curse go longer. I feel like my whole body is on fire as I writhe in pain on the ground for what seems like ever.


We finally make it to the Manor with the rest of the Order as well as the Auror department (which is mostly made of the Order). After anxiously wandering around for half an hour and fighting off a couple of Death Eaters, I start to get frustrated. 

"Alright, James, Remus, and I can go check downstairs," I suggest to Moody. He thinks for a second and tells us to take Arthur and Molly with us before heading off in another direction. We suddenly hear voices and a bunch of people coming down the hall. I hide behind the opposite hall with Arthur and Remus while James hides on the opposite one with Molly. Molly puts a finger to her lips, signaling us all to be quiet. 

"You should learn to respect your superiors," the voice of my devil for a brother drawls as he continues walking in our direction. 

"Like hell I will!" My heart skips a beat and I exchange glances with the others. Rowan. James and Remus smile weakly at me as if saying 'they're alright!'. I then hear Rowan give an 'oof!' and a thump, meaning she probably hit the floor. 

"Give me a reason to and I'll do it, Keith," Regulus says, sounding serious. Remus holds me back to keep me from doing stupid. 

"Oh, I'll do it!" Screeches the high-pitched voice of my mental cousin Bellatrix. Fear washes over me as she says the spell. "Crucio!" Rowan's screams are heard echoing off the walls of the mansion and it takes all my will-power to wait. Remus keeps telling me to wait but I can't do it anymore. I jump out from behind the wall. 

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